Paranormal Winner 2 - Interview with Kaity.

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Interview with - kaity290.

Interviewed by - Torieasy.

1. How did you find out about Wattpad?

I found out about Wattpad from a friend. I wanted somewhere where I could read and write stories and she pointed out Wattpad as the perfect app for doing those.

2. What does it mean to you to receive the winners' position for the champ Easter awards 2k19?

I was extremely shocked and surprised at the same time but also really thankful. I was very sure that my book was never going to make it because I've seen some pretty awesome books but, when I checked the results and saw my name I was like "is this real,"

3. What motivated you to participate in the contest?

I was pushed by one of my Wattpad friends who thought my books were great and had a good enough chance in Winning the contest.

4. At what age did you start to take an interest in writing?

It was around the age of 10, I started writing short poems on Facebook but, I wasn't as serious about it as I am now.

5. How was the reaction of readers to the first chapter of your first book, when you just began on Wattpad?

Well, some of the readers pointed out a few grammar mistakes which were helpful and some tried to criticize which was also help because it motivated me to do better.

6. At any point in writing, did you feel the need to take a break?

It was when I was about to sit my high school CXC examinations, I was constantly nagged by my best friend who really wanted me to pass so, I had to take a break in order to study.

7. Do you feel any pressure to update due to the amount of readers you have?

Well yes, I do actually feel a little pressure given the fact that I don't want my reads to be bored and loose interest in the books I write so, I try to update on time and make sure the chapters are always  pleasing to them.

8. Do you have a favorite among all the books you've written?

Yes, I like the unknown love and cursed more. Maybe it's because I'm fascinated about both the girls bravery.

9. Who would you say is your biggest inspiration as a writer?

My English teacher from high school and my best friends. They always believe in me and tried to help whenever I was having doubts.

10. Have you really just sat down to take a few seconds to realize just how popular your work has become?

No, I haven't really thought about it's popularities. I mainly focus on updating so that the readers can enjoy the book.

11. Where do you get your writing inspirations?

My best friend, it was her who gave me a real reason to start writing my horror novels and I thank her for that each day.

12. If you could swap  your life with one book character, who would it be?

In my book it would be Moya, she was so brave no matter how many times she ended up in the hospital she never gave up trying to save her friends and family from the unknown curse until it took her own life.

13. Which character can you relate the most from your book?

Moya and mia, they both never gave up on their friends nor families no matter how hard things got.

14. When you have a writer's block, what do you do to get rid of it?

I listen music and sometimes I go for walks to clear my head.

15. What do you like to do during your free time?

During my free time, I watch horror movies and go to beaches, sometimes I sleep and also I try cooking new dish that haven't been tried before.

16. How would you encourage writing?

I would encourage them to read plenty of books on the category that they are interested in also to never let anyone stop them from doing what they love and always keep editing your books until it's exactly the way you want it to be.

17. Where do you see yourself in the next 3-5 years?

I see myself in a different country, still writing and encouraging new writers to do their best in what they do.

18. Is there anything you would like to say to your fans/supporters?

I would like to thank each and every one of you guys for always being here to support me. I could have given up along time ago but all of your amazing comments inspired me to keep writing. I love each and every single one of you, thank you so much for all your help and support I more than appreciate it.

19. What advice would you like to pass across to all the struggling writers out there?

Never ever give up on writing, don't you dare give up on yourself. No matter how many people don't like your work there's always going to be people who does, you should always believe in yourself and in what you do, never let anyone no matter who it might be stop from writing and by chance you start to feel as your book isn't good enough to be out in the world just stop and about all the efforts and hard work that was put into the book and think about all the supporter that You've got.

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