Paranormal winner 1 Interview with PsPhoebe123

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Paranormal winner 1: PSPhoebe123

Interviewed by Torieasy

1. How did you find out about Wattpad?

I found out about Wattpad when I decided to dwell into options for authors. I have wanted to write since a very long time. Finally, got the courage to go ahead with it and started looking for something where I could post one chapter at a time and hence, found WATTPAD. Yeah!

2. What does it mean to you to receive the winners' position for the champ Easter awards 2k19?

Oh it is such an encouragement. It makes me want to work harder and put more effort in my work. I am so very grateful to TCA and the judge for the honour. Thank you again guys❤

3. What motivated you to participate in the contest?

I wanted to test my potential as a writer and started looking for contests that helps undiscovered authors and came across TCA. I'm so glad I found it.

4. At what age did you start to take an interest in writing?

I think it was around when I was 20, I actually thought of writing a book, but I used to always write something even in my school days. The fact I was very young stopped me mostly. I still cannot believe I am actually writing something and getting interviewed about it😁

5. How was the reaction of readers to the first chapter of your first book, when you just began on wattpad?

It was actually beyond my expectations. People specially commented on my descriptions which actually means so much to me because I put tremendous effort in writing those. People have been so kind on Wattpad. Its an amazing place to be in.

6. At any point in writing, did you feel the need to take a break?

Not really to be honest. Writing is therapeutic to me. Being a final year medical student puts so much stress on me, but when I write, I am away from my reality and into this beautiful world that I absolutely love.❤

7. Do you feel any pressure to update due to the amount of readers you have?

To a certain extent yes, but I won't call it pressure, its rather the excitement to do it! Honestly, if I could, I would have updated everyday, but my schedule  does not permit. My readers are wonderful. They wait patiently.

8. Do you have a favorite among all the books you've written?

Well, I have only written one and it is my absolute favourite. I believe it will always remain my favourite, no matter how many books I write in future. Like they say, you never forget your first love...similarly, no other book will replace this one.

9. Who would you say is your biggest inspiration as a writer?

J.R.R. Tolkien for his writing skills and J.K. Rowling for what an amazing human being she is. I can never get tired of reading The Lord of the Rings. I love J. K. Rowling's writing  too, but its her huge heart that inspires me the most.

10. Have you really just sat down to take a few seconds to realize just how popular your work has become?

A little bit, but I wish it goes more ahead. I have received so much support here on Wattpad, absolutely wonderful people. I'm a little ambitious and hard on myself. I genuinely pray that my book does even better. I want my story to touch as many hearts as possible.

11. Where do you get your writing inspirations?

The basic plot of my story is something I have imagined as a child and really  cherish it. Growing up, life has given some great experience that has helped enormously. Working as a health professional is great too as one deals with a lot of vulnerable situations. But at the end, its all a figment of my imagination.

12. If you could swap  your life with one book character, who would it be?

Oh, it has to be my main character Aroha - beautiful inside out, confident, loving and a strong woman. There is so much about her I am discovering as I am writing. I hope her character inspires other women too❤

13. Which character can you relate the most from your book?

Again, it has to be Aroha. I tend to put the way I think a lot into her character. On the other hand there are certain aspects of her character I wish I could imbibe in myself.

14. When you have a writer's block, what do you do to get rid of it?

I have been very lucky to not experience a massive writers block yet, but at times when I feel exhausted and cannot put in my best, I stop writing and rather start imagining it in my head. I am extremely fond of music too as I play sone instruments myself, so I usually listen to music and play sometimes to relax while I think about my story.

15. What do you like to do during your free time?

Writing, writing and writing. Hardly get any free time these days, thanks to medical school, but when I do I also love playing the keyboard and watch FRIENDS. I am a friends fanatic. It's running in the background now😁But my most favourite thing to do is to write!

16. How would you encourage writing?

I would only say  write what you love. I cannot imagine myself trying to write something I would not enjoy reading myself. It is my experience from my own life that when you do something you love, not necessarily just writing, it will make you happier and will give the best results. Find what you really love and write about it. Don't worry about it not being a popular topic.

17. Where do you see yourself in the next 3-5 years?

In the next 3-5 years, hmmm, hopefully a good  doctor and  helping sick people, but it is my earnest desire to see my book read by as many people as possible and leave a positive mark in their lives.

18. Is there anything you would like to say to your fans/supporters?

Yes. Thank you so very much for your support. Words cannot express my gratitude. It is through their love for my book I am growing everyday as a writer and wanting to push myself harder. Without their support, my story would hold no value.  Extremely grateful to each and  every one of them.❤

19. What advice would you like to pass across to all the struggling writers out there?

I am not sure if I am in the  place to actually advise other writers as I am still a struggling writer myself. What works for me is I tremendously believe in my story and love it. All I can say us don't underestimate yourself, do what you are best at and the results will be the same❤ Most importantly, write for your enjoyment first. Others will definitely do it too.

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