Chapter 1

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No one's POV

South Korea Military Camp Base..

"Where the heck is the TeamAlpha!? Are they late again?!" An angry woman dress in her usual uniform ask.

The soldiers are so terrified of her aura, like anytime soon she will kill someone.

"C-captain J-jung, T-team A-alpha are still i-in their b-bed" Lieutenant Park Chaeyoung said stuttering, afraid of her captain that staring at her blankly.

Jessica didn't answer her, she just turn her back and started to walk away. The officers sigh in releaf when she already leave.

She open the door of Sergeant's Room.

When she entered she saw her four Sergeant sleeping. The first bunk was a girl with a messy blonde hair hugging her dokkongs, while in the second bunk was a brownish haired girl was drooling while her mouth is open, the third bunk was black haired girl holding a bag of chips keep mumbling about not to steal her food and last but not the least in the fourth bunk was a girl with dirty blonde hair was rolled up in a comforter like a soshi.

Jessica face palm herself at what she's seeing.

"This four stupid Sergeant won't change no matter what I do to them" Jessica said under her breath frustratedly.

She didn't waste any time she close the door really hard causing the four to startled.

"Yah! I'll fucking kill you if you stole my dokkongs thief!?" The blonde girl who's already in a fighting stance said.

"Don't you dare touch my food you thief!?" The brown haired girl said in a fighting stance.

"Who the fuck are you to enter in our room!?" The caramel haired girl said also in a fighting stance.

"I'm going to kill you, you fucking thief!?" The black haired girl was in a fighting stance too.

The four Sergeant didn't recognise that it's their captain because their eyes we're close.

The four open their eyes when the thief they called didn't speak.

"Why aren't yo-" The blonde haired girl eyes widen when she finds who she's calling a thief.

Also the three Sergeant eyes widen too.

"Well who are you calling thief again, Sergeant Kim Taeyeon, Sergeant Kang Seulgi, Sergeant Lisa Manoban and Sergeant Kim Dahyun?" Jessica was smirking looking at them.

The four gulp, the three really hate that smirk that was flasterd in her face.

"H-hi S-sica, I-i m-mean C-captain J-jung" Taeyeon said stuttering, she feel like her soul left her body.

"Why are you stuttering unnie" Jessica said sweetly while smirking.

The four got more terrified. Jessica composed herself and stare at them coldly.

"You know what will happen when you got late right." Jessica said in statement. The four Sergeant's nodded thier heads.

"Since today I'm in charge for the four of you I can give you any punishment I want." Jessica smirk again.

"I think we should run now, I can feel that she will do something bad" Seulgi silently whisper to Lisa, Dahyun and Taeyeon.

The three Sergeant's nodded their heads.

"Who should I punished first." Jessica said acting like she's thinking.

"H-how a-about y-you c-close y-your e-eyes t-then you... you c-choose o-one of u-us b-by pointing a-after y-you f-finish c-counting" Lisa suggested stuttering. Hoping their captain would say yes.

"Hmm good idea Sergeant Manoban" Jessica said.

"I'll close my eyes and count 1 to 3, if the four of you run or do something stupid I'm going to kill you" Jessica added threatened them.

The four nodded gulping they're saliva.

"Good. I'll close my eyes know." The four Sergeant's was getting ready.

When Jessica close her eyes they immediately moved and get their uniform in the end of their bed, without making noise. The three Sergeant was already in the outside but Seulgi was still inside getting her food.

"1... 2... 3..." before could Seulgi get out, Jessica grab her shirt in the back.

Jessica looking at her with raged in her eyes. Seulgi eyes grew wide.

"AHHHHHH UNNIE, LISA, DAHYUN HELP ME!!??" Seulgi shout very loud. The three stop from running when they heard Seulgi voice. They look back, their eyes widen when they saw Seulgi throwing her food in Jessica face trying to escape.

The three run back to help Seulgi. Taeyeon go behind Jessica and started to tickle her. Jessica can't help but laugh when Taeyeon didn't stop. Lisa and Dahyun help Seulgi to stand up.

Jessica loss her strength because Taeyeon didn't stop to tickle her. The four Sergeant leave her in the ground catching her breath.

The four Sergeant wasn't that far from Jessica yet when they heard a scary voice again shouting.

"THE FOUR OF YOU ARE FUCKING DEAD WHEN I CATCH YOU!? THE FOUR OF YOU WILL REGRET THAT YOU ARE BORN!? ESPECIALLY YOU KIM AND KANG!! YOU'LL REGRET TICKLING AND THROWING A FOOD IN MY FACE!?" The soldiers that was jogging around the camp stop and look at Jessica terrified, actually all the soldiers around was terrified.

"Oh my god this four idiots are dead" Chaeyoung said face palming herself.

"They are indeed dead" Lieutenant Kim Jisoo said eating her chicken.

The four just keep running and find a place where they can change.

When they reach the end of camp, they saw a small cabin. They decided to change their clothes there.

"Unnie do you think sica unnie will going to kill us for real?" Dahyun ask wearing her boots.

"I don't think so, the last time she threatened us she didn't do it. I guess she won't" Taeyeon confidently said.

"I think this time unnie she'll do it. Seul throw a food in her freaking face and you tickle her endlessly!!" Lisa said remembering the incident.

"I don't want to see that woman ever again" Seulgi said shaking.

"But guys didn't you see her face!! HAHAHAHA it was fucking funny man" Taeyeon punch lisa's shoulder lightly.

"Yeah unnie HAHAHAHA her face when Seul keep throwing a bag of chips in her face was so funny. She keeps dodging it but still it hits her WAHAHAHAHA" Lisa join Taeyeon laughing.

Seulgi and Dahyun look at them in disbelief. The two was already in the floor clutching their stomach from laughter.

"Yah!! It's not funny!? If sica unnie see me. She would definitely going to kill me with her own hands!!" Seulgi bit her nails terrified of what will happen to her if Jessica find them.

Taeyeon and Lisa stop laughing they look at Seulgi seriously.

"Don't worry Seul, if ever sica will going to kill us and we are dead we are still...."

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