Chapter 2

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No one's POV

South Korea Military Camp Base...

"Don't worry Seul, if ever sica will kill us and we are dead. We are still together in heaven!! Don't you want that!! We are together forever!!" Taeyeon said happily jumping.

Her and Lisa fist bump and dance like a crazy person.

Seulgi can't help but sigh because of the two stupidity. While Dahyun can't believe what she's hearing.

"You two are more crazier than Sica unnie suitor" Seulgi said slumping her shoulder.

"What?!" Taeyeon and Lisa look at her with disgust.

"Me? Lisa? Are crazier than Kwon Yuri!! What the heck Seul!? Are you even serious?!" Taeyeon can't believe what her friend saying.

"Eww man don't compare me to that beanpole. That woman is the most craziest person I've ever known!?" Lisa said loudly.

Seulgi just glare at their tantrums. Dahyun just shrug her shoulder.

"Btw unnies, we have a day off tomorrow. What should we do?" Dahyun ask.

Seulgi sighing happily when Dahyun change the topic.

"Hmm I'm just going to sleep in my bed and hug my lovely dokkongs" Taeyeon said day dreaming.

"I'll sleep too" Lisa butt in.

"I'll use my day off to go out and eat different foods!!" Seulgi was imagining herself eating every food she wants.

Dahyun groan face palming herself.

"You are no fun guys!!" Dahyun said frustrated.

"What? Sleeping is fun dubs!" Taeyeon and Lisa said in unusion.

"And eating is fun too!!" Seulgi cross her arms.

"Ugh never mind, I'll hung out with myself tomorrow" Dahyun open the cabin door.

The three raise their brows to Dahyun, but Dahyun was already out of their sight. They just go out to follow Dahyun.

The four Sergeant just keep walking, avoiding a place where Jessica could be.

"Guys can we eat? I think it's already lunch time and I'm already hungry!!" Seulgi complain while rubbing her stomach.

"Me too" Lisa whine like a kid.

"Since we didn't eat breakfast.. let's grab some food in the cafeteria" Taeyeon said.

The three just nodded their heads.

They started to walk again to go to the cafeteria. While walking they we're stop by Team Bravo.

Taeyeon's POV

"Well well well what a good day to start" Argh this assholes again. What they want this time.

Btw they are Team Beta or called Team Kwom. They we're under by Captain Kwon Tyler. Well lucky us because we are in Team Alpha or called Team Jung, we are under by Captain Jessica Jung. Jessica was the best captain ever, even though we always put headache to her. We still choose her team no matter what happens.

If you are wondering why I call her in her first name, she's my bestfriend slash my crush. I'm one of her suitor. But nah she already rejected me, she said we better stay as a friend. At first I'm hurt but in the end I still accept that we are just friends.

Btw let's go back to those jerks.

"What do you want." Lisa ask them boredly.

They just laugh, tsk they are bunch of stupid weirdos.

"If all of you are not going to say anything, we better leave. We are just going to waste our time looking at you're ugly faces" I whisper the last part but I think they heard it cause they stop laughing.

"What did you called us midget?!" Nickhun said holding my colar and lifting me.

I smirk at him.

"You really want me to repeat what I said in your face? Hah I bet you don't want because you are afraid to hurt you're ego" I think his mad, hahaha his face was red.

"You peace of shi-" he couldn't finish his words when someone cough.

I look out from his shoulder to find our gorgeous captain.

"Sergeant Horvekul, you know that it's a part of the rules that you can't hurt you're comrades, fellow soldiers or other teams comrades." Sica said coldly. I saw that Nickhun clenched his jaw.

He let go of my colar before turning his back to me and face Jessica. He didn't bother to show respect. Tsk his so rude.

"Didn't you're captain tell you that rules everyday." The are both keep staring at each other coldly.

"Well you know Captain Jung our Captain didn't have to remind us that rules everyday. Because he knows that we will do a good job and he knows too that we are smart. We are not like you're pets Captain Jung, they are bunch of stupids and morons." He said smirking.

For me I really fucking hate what he said to us and to our team. How dare he can say that in front of OUR captain!?

I know sica won't talk to him back, because she knows that. That jerk Nickhun was the only son of the director tsk.

"Sorry for the disturbance Captain Jung and Sergeant Horvekul, but we need to go know because we will still grab our lunch and will start our training after lunch" Woah I can't believe what I'm seeing right now!?

Kang Fucking Seulgi disturb them!! Don't get me wrong, i know she's still scared of sica. She just act tough but later i know that her face will be white like a sheet of paper.

Seulgi didn't wait for the jerk Horvekul to speak, she just drag us. When we reach the front door of cafeteria she stop and let go of us.

The moment she let go of us, she immediately hide behind me. I was about to look at her and ask her why she's hiding.

But someone caught my attention, it's our Captain was surrounded by dark aura. She glaring at us.

"To my office now!?" The four of us stumbled on the ground pushing each other.

We immediately obey her and go to her office. We know that she's following us.

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