A Coming Chaos

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A/N: After dealing with the events of multiple villains trying to kill each other, Austin and the others eventually found out who was really behind the whole ordeal. 

Austin: ok, that seems to be the rest of them. 

Black Nitsua: fucking good. I've had enough of these throw down between two or nearly 10 villains going on that we had to deal with. And we still haven't found out who the fuck was behind all this bullshit.

???: well, ready for the surprise then?

As Black Nitsua heard this familiar voice, a very large feminine figure manifested before him.

As Black Nitsua heard this familiar voice, a very large feminine figure manifested before him

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Black Nitsua: oh are you fucking kidding me?!

Frostwing: Eris again?!

Austin: what the fuck does she want this time!

Eris: well, after that lovely little crisis that happened when Unicron came to earth, I thought to myself: let's step up the chaos even further by having every villain on earth try to kill each other over the still recovering planet? Once the villains start fighting, it eventually spreads until everyone started fighting.

Black Nitsua: you were gonna have every villain kill each other over your stupid desire for chaos?! If you weren't able to turn into mist, I would strangle you!

Frostwing: well, tough for you. We just took care of all that. Either just actually getting them to comply and understand, or just by beating them up and/or having them thrown away in prison.

Eris soon turned into mist and shrunk down to a more human size.

Eris: Indeed, I figured this plan would fail. However, during my time of observing the many conflicts, I've discovered a black crystal stone floating around in space. And after discovering and bringing it back with me, was where I've met this cute little devil here.

She raised her hand to the air as a small person with black hair and wings wearing red clothing appeared on her hand.

She raised her hand to the air as a small person with black hair and wings wearing red clothing appeared on her hand

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Frostwing: woah!

Austin: is that a....... fairy?

(Mainly listen to the song that goes all the way to 1:07).

Eris: correction, this is Dark Mu. She's a being of great power capable of destroying planets. Heck, her presences alone is enough to destroy stars. 

(That's not an over exaggeration either, she's literally that powerful. They even said that the result of her destroying those stars destroyed the galaxy the stars were in).

You all remember those storms and earthquakes going on a few months after Unicron's defeat, right?

Austin: who could forget, I had to pull Krillin's bald head out of a crevice. 

Eris: and that's only half of her power. Once she's finally restored to her full strength, we're gonna spread chaos and discord throughout the multiverse. It'll be a real good show to watch.

Austin: like hell you are!

Eris: I thought you would say that. That's why I brought an extra puppet with me to help test out  more of dark mu's power.

She said as she summoned what looked to be the dead body of frostwing.

She said as she summoned what looked to be the dead body of frostwing

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(He looks like that but with black saiyan like hair).

Frostwing: O_O

Black Nitsua: frostwing?!

Eris: indeed, I found this frostwing within a dead universe. Now, Dark Mu, show them your power!

Dark Mu smirked before she levitated up into the air and summoned a dark ball of energy and struck the dead body of frostwing with it. The body reanimated as the eyes of it glowed pure red. The alternative frostwing yelled as a dark aura surrounded his body as he turned into what appeared to be a red super saiyan form, different from god or anything else.

Austin: you have to be shitting me.

Eris: I'd love to stay and chat more. But, we must really take out leave. Lot's of chaos to come underway after all.

Dark Mu: heheh, have fun.

The two then disappeared, leaving Austin and the rest to deal with the dark powered alternative Frostwing.

Black Nitsua: we'll deal with those two later. Let's take care of the darkness powered walking corpse first.

They all got into a battle stance as the alternative Frostwing yelled in rage as he was about to attack.

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