Decode 3: Sign of Keys

294 3 0

Dec. : 18 46 31 31 30 43 30 29 22 34 37 37

Or. : U3VmZmVyZWQgV2lsbA==

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Decode 3: Sign of Keys

Boboiboy heard his heart in his ears, pacing quicker as they were now by a hospital, the emergency staff moving Yaya and Ying's figures onto stretchers as they moved into the emergency center, but were halted from entering the operating room. Gopal remained behind them as Boboiboy stood placidly by the glass door, Fang staring straight into nothing before he felt his knees give in, plopping onto the ground as the two were alarmed, rushing by him as the raven haired male felt memories flash by his eyes.

People running away from robotic aliens, some dying as his small figure watched, getting pulled away by his mother to safety but was separated by the panicked crowd, seeing his father look at him tearfully for a moment, seeing his mouth move, hearing, 'I'm sorry... my son.'


The male was snapped out of his trance, soon seeing Boboiboy close by him, Gopal holding his shoulders up to keep him steady, his let out a shaky breath, a single tear fell from his eyes as the two became worried looking at each other with worry. "Hey, it's gonna be fine. You need to pull yourself together." Boboiboy ushered, letting him get up his feet to sit onto one of the nearby seats. Fang let the situation soon dawn on him, releasing a shaky breath, "It was a trap..." He said as Boboiboy removed his cap, messing with his hair with stress, "I should've noticed something was off... I–" "Now isn't the time for this." Gopal said, relatively serious.

The taller male knew when he needed to take a stand between the two when things got rough. He was their friend for years, he knew them well as they looked at him with distressed expressions and frowns. He sighed, "I'll head back to the station to report on what happened. You guys need to manage here for now. Don't lose hope on them, they're one of the strongest people I know." Gopal's words somehow made them snap out of their negative ideals, Boboiboy giving a small smile, nodding. "Got it... stay safe and send someone from Nut's division to see if there's any threats left from the attack." Gopal nodded, saluting before he left.

It turned late at night when the rooms finally opened, the two Admirals soon stood from the side to see their wives being wheeled over to their respective rooms. "Relation to the patient?" "We're their husbands." The doctor nodded as he soon showed his small file clipped onto a small board. "Your wives are okay and aren't in critical condition, don't worry," the two let out a breath of relief, "Ms. Yaya Binju fainted from an excessive head-on collision, but after a quick X-ray, there wasn't any anomaly. Ms. Ying Yinan lost a lot of blood, we've patched up her wounds and she'll need to rest before she uses her legs again or else her muscles and bones would give up on her." The two took a mental note of the doctor's words, nodding as they saw the girls get moved onto a nearby room.

The Doctor, however, cleared his throat to catch their attention once again. "What's wrong, doc?" Boboiboy asked with worry, Fang looking skeptical. "I was informed of your affiliations with a spatial-aerial workfield or a space government of some kind. During the testing and surgery, it seems there is something else I discovered in your blood works. I'll send this report when I've received it later on." The Doctor said as the two looked at each other before humming in agreement to the man's words, soon excusing himself to his work.

Boboiboy uttered, "I have a feeling, it has something to do with the alien tech... remember what Nut said?" Fang furrowed his brows, nodding as they moved to the spare room, seeing their wives in a resting state, still unconscious. Their relief was replaced by concern when their power watch blinked, soon showing a holographic figure of Admiral Tarung, the two saluting. "At ease. We encountered a warning signal from Ship D3-2." The words made Boboiboy's eyes widened as Fang inquired, "What do you mean, sir? That's the ship tag of Captain Gopal." The red-flared skinned Admiral remained stationary, looking down before facing the two holographic figures.

"Captain Gopal's tracker has been disabled. The men aboard his ship as well have gone AWOL."

The report finished as Fang saw Boboiboy press his lips together, rushing outside as he swung the door open, the raven-haired male following as he saw Boboiboy going to the small park close-by, calling after him. "Boboiboy! Oi!" The orange-cap wearing brunet paid no mind to his words until his arm got yanked to the side, facing Fang who soon saw his angered gaze. "What–" "First we get called to Earth, getting our wives hurt and kids kidnapped... now our friend and his crew are off the radar!" He clenched his fist tighter, soon a key conjured before it, glaring at it with his brown orbs, saying, "These keys meant nothing! They hurt us!"

Fang heaved a breath, trying to calm Boboiboy down. The brunet was surprised when the key in his hand shone brightly as small stars popped in the air, soon a circular specter appeared before them, looking like a planet. They looked at each other for a brief moment before Boboiboy gazed upon the spectral figment, saying, "Where is this planet?" The stars nearby soon glowed, information presented before them. 'Planet 4988 (Destroyed), No Inhabitants, Last Known Dock: Within 68 Hours.'

"Last 60 Hours... if we use Earth time, that is just a few hours from now." Fang said as Boboiboy nodded, "Let's get going." Both calling for Fleet Admiral Kaizo to send them a ship, teleporting to the station using Ochobot's help. They soon arrive at the blue-ish gray unknown planet. Once they'd entered the atmosphere, heat emitted from the ground, the floor becoming sizzling as the air around thickened. Fang faced his friend, "You need to be quick. You aren't exactly an alien." Boboiboy nodded, soon opening the shuttle to see the piles of stones and rocks formed around them, looking for their friend when soon they saw a figure running towards them.

Gopal rushed towards the familiar spaceship, seeing two figures by the shuttle. His tear brimmed eyes soon fell, yelling, "Guys! Save me!" They saw several lizard-looking aliens attempting to eat their friend as Fang summoned his light duplicant, using it to strike the guys as Boboiboy stomped on the ground, providing cover for Gopal with his Earth Wall. The male soon reached them, making them enter the ship and shut the hanger behind them. "Everyone intact?" Boboiboy asked with worry, looking behind them to see Fang in shock, Gopal crying as he soon came forward, showing a device hoisted before him. Fang knelt close, but Gopal ushered them back, "N-no! Don't touch it! It'll explode the entire planet!" He exclaimed as the two looked around, Fang spotting several metal rods around the area.

Boboiboy nodded, "The kids?" "The guy took them! I'm not sure where, but they aren't here!" He answered as Fang went to the back, coming towards them with a small box. "You need to stay still, Boboiboy, start the ship up into spatial orbit." Fang stated as the brunet followed, moving to the other room to man the deck. Gopal watched as Fang took some pliers and other stuff out of the box, saying, "You need to listen very carefully, Gopal. This bomb is connected to your heart-beat. Once it stops feeling your pace, it'll detonate. What I need you to do is remain calm until I can get it out, trust me, okay?" His determined gaze convinced the male, nodding as he tried to level his breathing.

Boboiboy started the ship, soon flying out of the planet's orbit as Fang was slowly finishing, cutting the final straps and rewiring before yelling, "Open the hanger! The bombs are gonna go!" The red lights blared as the hanger opened, Fang throwing back the detonator as Gopal soon saw it take off its miniature pin, blowing up as the planet soon followed through. "I called Ochobot! Close the shuttle we gotta go or else we'd get sucked into a blackhole!" Boboiboy spoke from the mic, Fang using the manual level as Gopal rushed to the main deck alongside him, escaping from the detonating planet.

Several thoughts ran through Fang's mind, sensing something wrong before he saw the blue-hued portal before them, steering clear of danger.

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