Decode 5: Galaxy Arial Mission

211 5 0

Dec. : 19 33 43 40 46 32 33 45 33 30 34 43

Or. : VGhyb3VnaCB0aGVpcg==

Decode 5: Galaxy Arial Mission

The spaceship soon set course to the Planet, Shielda and Sai subbed in for Yaya and Ying were soon presented before Kaizo as they were in the briefing room, letting the other crew manage the ship for the time being. "Now," Kaizo faced Gopal who heaved a breath, shutting his eyes for a moment but to their surprise his eyes were glowing white with yellow tips. Gopal lifted his open palm, soon letting a spectral figment appear before it, shocking the rest. "H-Hey, how–" "The keys?" Kaizo guessed as Sai was silenced, nodding as he waited for Gopal to speak. "This Planet is called Nix, I've not looked into it much but essentially it was said to deviate from most planets due to its Nomadic Civilization and independence." Gopal stated.

"I've located the kids to be there, but due to a barrier, I wasn't able to see much other than the fact they've landed on the planet." Gopal stated as the two Admirals nodded. "Good job, Captain." Kaizo compliments as the male sheepishly smiles, moving to his friend's side. "Now that we have confirmed our area. We must take precaution, this planet has a way with violence seeing how it attacked Earth without mercy. Avoid any unnecessary battles, understood. If we fight our way in, we must hide afterwards to gather some intel." Kaizo commanded, the rest standing straight and saluting, saying 'yes sir' before dismissing themselves from the room as Fang and Kaizo had to discuss something.

Boboiboy walked with Gopal, "So your key is an information gatherer, that's so useful." Boboiboy stated as Gopal smugly grinned. "I know right, I thought I was getting killed for a moment when it triggered the first time." Gopal said, making the brunet chuckle. Their playful banter was interrupted when they heard a shuffle by them, the male looking at a nearby box of supplies. He heaved a breath, using Metal's power, he punched the box, soon hearing some screeches, two figures coming outside of the box. Boboiboy was wide-eyed, calling, "Aaron?! Oliver?!" He called as the two soon felt their skin crawl on their backs seeing the Admiral revert back to his original form.

Fang came out of the office, hearing the commotion when he saw a blond and ginger haired humanoid-alien, alarming him as he recognized who it was as he approached Boboiboy who was busy trying to wrap around the situation. "Let me get this straight. You snuck inside here to come with us knowing the Fleet Admirals won't let you come..." The two synced in nodding, "Are you crazy!?" Fang exclaimed, interrupting Boboiboy's speech as the two expressed their concern about the kids, somehow bonding with them whenever they visited the spaceship. The two parents couldn't argue back, knowing these two were genuinely concerned as they've become more-or-less model lieutenants to most staff.

Gopal gave them a glare, more threatening than how he originally appeared before them. "You better make sure you are here to help." "Y-Yes, sir!" There was a loud thud as the group saw one of the stationed officers enter the room, saluting, "Sir, we are close by the Planet, enemies have dispatched several groups!" "Man your station, wait for my signal to open the hanger!" Boboiboy exclaimed as he rushed downwards, making Aaron and Oliver rush to the main deck to help, Fang moving with Gopal helping manage the main deck.

As Boboiboy, Fang and Kaizo stood by the hanger, Gopal soon opened it as they saw the large ships heading their way, bearing a different insignia from what was shown in the present logs. Fang saw the enemy shoot several missiles, yelling, "Shadow Barrier!" He blocked the ship, the explosions blocking them into smoke. "Energy Slices!" Kaizo wore his mask and sliced the air, soon revealing the large dents made by the misfires. Boboiboy took a deep breath, soon flying down to the rest of the ships below, splat into five as Shadow, Eclipse, Thunderstorm, Solar and Quake were conjured before them as they landed on top.

"Earth Rumble!" Quake made the area shake as Thunderstorm and Eclipse charged at another ship, "Thunder...!" "Eclipse... Combo!" They striked the thunder spear as it created a large blast, "Thunder Eclipse!" They struck the ship, a large explosion emerged as some tried to attack them using their remaining weapons but were surprised by dark matter engulfing them, "Shadow Lullaby." Shadow voiced as they were swallowed by the darkness, rendering them unconscious as they fell to the broken ship.

Solar used ring-like weapons, shooting through the ships as he sliced them open, seeing the rest handled by the raven haired brothers as they returned to the ship, recombining as the spaceship dove down to the planet, Fang clasping his hands before his eyes glowed, yelling, "Light Phoenix!" The phoenix conjured pierced through the barrier as they soon entered the planet's orbit.

Fang heaved a breath, Boboiboy kneeling by him as they soon saw the working civilization within the bubble. "We are landing elsewhere, we have someone on our tail!" Gopal said through the comms as Kaizo took charge of slices them off, finding an appropriate landing area.

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