Decoded 17: Back Home

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Decoded: Feel Happiness

Decoded 17: Back Home

"I'm sorry about this, Faze."

Fang voiced as he faced his child, the male giving a shrugging motion as he smiled, looking at his father with his ruby eyes. "It's okay, dad. You never do this unless you really need to." He said, making the latter sniffle, pouting as he moved away from the portal, going through as he hugged his kid, Faze burying his face into his fathers' chest, chuckling as he felt the taller male tearing up, patting his father's back as Ying remained behind him, patting his shoulder. Yaya had remained by Boboiboy as he knelt before his kids, holding their hands.

Brianna stared at him with a glossy gaze, wiping her tears with her free hand. "D-dad..." She uttered, making the brunet stifle a laugh, heaving a breath as he started to feel his eyes sting, Zack looking at him as he gazed up at his mother, seeing her worried smile. "Do you have to go... and why can't we wait for you at the station?" He asked as Yaya looked down, her chest stricken, saying, "The mission might get dangerous. If you stay in the station where we can't oversee, you might get hurt and we can't go back as easily as when we did the first time." Her soft tone made Zack bit his bottom lip, nodding as he soon saw Boboiboy stare at them, holding their head as he smiled.

"You guys be careful, okay? And listen to Atok." Boboiboy stated as the two nodded before he stood properly gently and painfully letting go of their hands as he looked to the three figures behind the kids. Fang did the same as he faced the rest.

"Please, make sure to take care of them." Ying said on the other parents' behalf, the three nodding as a clearing throat snapped them back to reality, turning back to show Kaizo, the male nodding before the rest moved away, not looking back as they wore their serious expression, Ochobot slowly shutting the portal as they disappeared in sight, Anna sniffling as she turned to her brother, hugging him as she wept. Keith and Damien looked at each other, feeling a hint of worry overcome them before facing the kids, knowing something that the kids didn't slightly eat them out.

"The mission is a dangerous one. There is a likely chance one of us will use the keys."

As Boboiboy stated these words before his friends, Keith and Damien, they saw his exhausted gaze linger on the table before him. "As you've been informed, the Keys are close to a one-way path, we never know when we will return or if we ever will..." Fang voiced as he looked at each of them, Yaya asked, "How can you be so sure we'd use the keys? We got by just fine–" "After the day Blue Canary appeared, Boboiboy and I have been dreaming of weird things and have even been brought back to Oblivisci... but one thing I noticed when we tell each other's dream, they become clearer and truer." Fang interjected from her question, Gopal heaved a breath, nodding.

Gopal stated, "They're right... my powers can see more than any of yours from how it depicts my dreams. I've even dreamed of this exact meeting." His words alarmed Keith and Damien. "What do you mean, Gopal?" Keith asked as he looked towards her, showing a small smile, "Apparently from how I've talked to those Blue men, my key is called The Keeper of Shrewd, it surpasses both information in the universe and technology..." He recalled his meeting on that very table, afraid of what else he heard that night as he wanted nothing more than to wake up from that dream.

"Those keys... will definitely be used in this mission, without fault."

Keith was snapped out from her collective thoughts when Ochobot spoke, "Hello, Atok!" The aliens turned to face an older male, looking bright as usual as the three kids rushed to him, wiping their tears as they hugged him, "Atok!" "Oh, hello-hello, you sure made me worry." He said, making Zack chuckle, peering to look at his great-grandfather. Tok Aba soon faced the three aliens that towered over him and his grandkids. "And who might these be?" He faced the yellow-power sphere as Ochobot robotically cleared his throat before gesturing to each of them, "This guy is Damien, one of the lieutenants of TAPOPS's Ravena Station." He gave a humble bow as the older nodded as Keith smiled, "She's Ms. Keith, Damien's mother and a friend from TAPOPS."

"Pleasure to be of your acquaintance, sir." She greeted. Aisha sheepishly smiled when she was introduced, saying, "H-Hello, sir." Tok Aba simply stifled a laugh as he nodded, "I guess you'll be staying here for the time being, huh?" He voiced soon, ushering the kids off to his store as he gestured to his shop. "I own this place, please don't break anything, or else." He stated with the last part showing a scary glare as the three made a mental note to not be destructive, moving to the shop as they sat on one of the shops, resting to themselves.

"Welcome to Earth, I guess?" Faze mentioned as the three were looking around, everything looking slightly off to them.

Keith stared into the distance, seeing numerous forestries, but looking different from how their forest looks. "Do these green things normally grow here?" She asked as Brianna returned with some cups of cocoa, Zack nodded. "I think it looked a bit different from where you came from, Ms. Keith. The trees there have a dark red-hue with blue-green tones." He described, nodding as she moved to pluck a leaf, trying to learn more about Earth. Damein silently enjoyed his drink, the cup a bit too small for his big figure. Aisha sat close to Zack, the brunet explaining to her about most things around the area, her eyes glowing as she listened. Faze squinted between Aisha and his best friend, feeling a nudge from the side as he looked at Keith, showing a smile as she nodded, seemingly understanding his suspicions as he choked on his spit.

"Are you serious?!" Faze exclaimed as he jolted from his seat, making Zack tilt his head, Faze realizing that his friend was stupidly oblivious as he was jaw-dropped whilst Damien shook his head as he laughed, "I can't believe he's too stupid to notice!" He added as Keith let out an airy laugh. Watching the raven-haired boy internally question himself, Keith being more comfortable on keeping them busy with other things than waiting for their parents.

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