/SP; Kaizo's Mission;; Pt. 1

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(Authora's Note: This is a small explaination as to how Kaizo became a guard to the Scientist he saved. And a tineskip to the original time where Boboiboy and Fang found out he was guarding her.)

/SP; Kaizo's Mission;; Pt. 1

[Happens after 1 Year Skip on DC21]

As Kaizo silently paced in a storage room, his heart-paced with the report he heard from the search team, his heart constricted as he fisted his pants, gritting his teeth as his tears unknowing fell from hjs eyes. 'I'm reporting from RLT2, I'm sorry sir but there were no distinct figures in the Planet Remnant of Kasvinne.'

Kaizo pressed his face into his palms, letting out deep breaths as tears kept falling, flashes of his brother's figure slowly being torn away from his as it burned into nothing. He sniffled as he moved back, wiping his tears off, pulling himself together as he moved to the door, collecting his thoughts, he let out a breath before moving to the halls, a stone cold expression adorning his face. The intercoms soon paged his agent number, moving to the Fleet's office, entering to see Tarung and Ciciko wearing a serious expression, his mind internally switching gears to work mode.

"Admirals," He notioned as the two nodded, soon letting him take his place in the holographic table they surrounded, "What's going on?" Kaizo asked as he saw an unfamiliar file on the screen.

Ciciko broke the silence first, heaving a breath as he put his arms behind him, speaking, "Due to... some of our greatest personnel being AWOL for the time being after the incident last month, this mission will be passed to you, Kaizo." The raven-haired male glanced towards Tarung who simply nodded, making circular gestures with his hand to continue. "Before Admiral Boboiboy went AWOL, he sent a specialized letter to us with information regarding Earth's Power sphere Intelligence." Ciciko pointed to the hologram of a letter, Gopal's agent number and picture present as he squinted to the file.

"A letter about an escaped scientist on Earth, they are under the protection of the European Army as of this moment and due their lack of knowledge, contacted us to handle the scientists' case." Tarung stated while he made a circular gesture, switching it to Gopal's file. "Using Gopal's capabilities, we managed to figure out this letter is true and made him work a discussion with the Army." He adds. Kaizo silently huffed a breath, crossing his arms over his chest, "What am I supposed to be doing then, sir? Intelligence Search?" "No. This mission was meant for Admiral Fang, you shall up-take it and be this scientists' bodyguard for an extended amount of time." Ciciko expressed, making the latter male shocked, eyes widened as he looked at Tarung who adds the importance of keeping her alive.

Kaizo internally kept himself calm, accepting the mission as he awaits to depart for Earth.

As the helicopter that picked up Kaizo landed, he monotonously thanked the operator before hopping off, moving to the Army Base, seeing multiple figures soon rally outside in a fine line as a man soon came before him, his blond locks breezing through as Kaizo seemingly walked towards him with no fear, meeting in the middle, both stood a few feet across from each other. "Welcome to Sonder Based, Mister?" The blond trailed as Kaizo saw him loft his hand to offer a hand-shake, he begrudgingly took it as Kaizo stated, "Kaizo. Admiral of the Fleet for TAPOPS." The former felt surprised by his rank as he didn't look the part.

"Nice to formally meet you. I'm General Lucas, I'll have to have you get checked before we enter, this is standard protocol, Admiral." Lucas said as Kaizo nodded, both moving along as the latter male soon got checked before he was briefed in Lucas' office.

The General soon informs him, saying, "Ms. Lindsay is currently staying in the city with agents on guard, but after multiple attacks, we've decided to take into consideration a fine fellow's words of sending a bodyguard for her." Kaizo nods as he saw the projector displays the name and picture of Scientist, Dr. Hannah Lindsay. "I advise you to first wear something... less tech-fancy since you'll be staying here on Earth." Lucas voiced with a small smile, friendly but annoying for Kaizo. "Is that right? What do I wear then, General?" Kaizo said as he gave a smug smirk as Lucas scoffed, nodding as he raised his arms in-defeat, "Point taken, I guess I'd have to either lend you or let you buy some, Admiral. First, let's take precautions with some of the leads we have before you are on your way." They soon conversed, seeming more amicable than how each perceived.

It had been two days since Kaizo's arrival as he was alarmed by the door to his temporary office opened, making him look up to see a panicked soldier, saluting, "Sir, we need to head over to Ms. Lindsay! The agents present there have called for assistance after an attack." The soldier announced as Kaizo took his mask, pressing a button to make it camouflage as a sling-bag, moving out as he soon received a walkie-talkie on their way to the car, receiving intel from Lucas in the control room.

As a ginger haired figure ran through a hall, she gasped before bending downwards, avoiding bullets as glass shattered to her right, ignoring her shock to head for the elevator, seeing it coming up already, 'More of them?!' She hissed as she heard crushing footsteps behind her, looking around to find the emergency exit, bolting through the door as she sped down the four flights of stairs, reaching the busy streets. People looked at her as she frantically fixed her clothes, seeing some guys pointing to her as she cursed beneath her breath before running across the street, nearly getting hit by a car as she muttered apologies before moving to another alleyway, passing by people.

Just as she turned a corner, she froze as her eyes were locked onto a gun pointed to her forehead, hands soon moved up as they remained by her head. The masked figure let out a silent laugh, back-hand slapping her as she used her hand to cover her face, tasting blood on her lips, yelping in pain when he stepped onto her leg, "I warned you doctor, keep out the business... now look where it got you." The masked man said, lifting their hand to load the gun, pointing to her figure as she gritted her teeth, tears brimming her eyes as he added wait onto her leg. "S-Someone... h-help..." she silently uttered, amusing the man but he was shocked when a whisk of wind came to his ear.

The ginger woman saw the man yell on the floor as he held his tight, bleeding as she scurried to get up, ready to run when she saw another masked figure coming from the other alley, "Down!" Like a command, she screamed while hiding her head and bending down, a gunshot blared through the air as the masked man was writhing, holding the center of his chest. She looked back, seeing a raven-haired male coming from where the first gunshot came, "Dr. Lindsay?" He asked as she nodded, he moved towards her pulling his hand out, her gaze landed onto it, hesitantly taking it as she stood up, "Kaizo from the Sonder Army, we better move." He says as he reloaded his gun, pointing behind him, shooting the guy's other leg, making her startled.

Kaizo put the gun back on the holster behind him, holding her hand as he ushered them away, coming across other men before their getaway mobile drove in-front, he opened the door telling her to get in as she rushed in, Kaizo getting on as the driver moved off.

With Hannah sat on the medical area's bed, she kept watching Kaizo's figure move towards the nurse desk, receiving her condition before he moved to her bed, making her swallow the lump in her throat, intimidated by his general aura and height. "I'll inform you, Ms. Hannah. I am Kaizo from TAPOPS Station. I know about your knowledge on Power Spheres and will serve as your Bodyguard from now until we can find a proper solution." Kaizo's words alarmed her as she failed to counter his words when his walkie-talkie made him signal her to wait, moving a few feet away from her.

'I'm screwed...' She thought.

Special Chapter 

To Be Continued...

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