Decode 16: The Questions and Answers

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Decode 16: The Questions and Answers

With the station one again in repairs, Zack and Brianna stood before their parents, Yaya hugging them. "Thank god you are both okay! Nothing wrong? Did you get hurt?" She asked as Brianna simply gave a smile, shaking her head. "Nothing's wrong, Mom. Aunty Ying and Faze helped us get checked in the infirmary." Zack said as his mother nodded, cupping their cheeks as she stood. Boboiboy heaved a breath, "I'm sorry, Anna, did I scare you?" "Not at all, Dad. you looked cool." She said, amazed by the sight of Supernova from before, making Ying lightly shake her head seeing the male flushed.

Their banter was soon dialed down when the door opened, revealing Keith and Mikleo. "Sir." "Got anything?" The brunet questioned as the male shook his head, "Ms. Aisha isn't budging at all and demanded something." Mikleo answers as he gives a hesitant gaze to Zack, confusing the rest. Keith sighed, "From what I can guess, she trusts Zack more than anyone else here. She would tell everything she needs to know in exchange for Zack's presence." She stated, making Boboiboy and Yaya look at each other with worry, about to decline it when their son interrupted, "I'll do it."

"Zack?!" "Big Brother will be fine. My friend told me so." Brianna said before everyone collectively agreed, Boboiboy accompanying him as Keith excused Brianna for a moment, both staying at the cafeteria lounge. Brianna was eating to her fill when Keith cutely watched her actions, smiling as she asked, "Anna, can I ask something?" She looked towards her, giving a smile

With Zack entering one of the cell area, he soon saw Aisha presently sitting before the cell, standing up as she saw him, pressing her palm before the transparent tech-wall. "Z-Zack," she called with a soft tone, one of her eyes hidden behind her hair as he waved hello to her, moving close. "Hey, Ms. Aisha." He greeted back, making her slightly lean down to match her height with his, being a lot taller due to her alien-origin. "You wanted to meet, right? Mr. Mikleo and Ms. Keith said you were hesitant to answer." He voiced with worry, making her pout, saying, "I-It's nothing bad... they just seemed like they'd hurt me. You won't hurt me, right, Zack?" She asked, slightly tilting her head, Zack cluelessly nodded, saying ina reassuring tone, "Of course, when I helped you, I promised that."

Aisha gave a cute smile, slightly infatuated by him as she spoke, "What did you want to know?" "Oh, well, Ms. Keith said you weren't exactly supposed to look humane... did someone do this to you?" She heaved a breath, humming for a second as she nodded. "If you weren't aware, in the Planet you were taken too, there are many people there who resemble humanoid aliens like that raven-haired mister you know." Her sweetened tone slightly turned serious, "It's called the Alterium. A serum that can turn any alien into a humanoid being similar to you. When under this, only one shot is needed and it's everlasting. It completely changes one's biological components." She stated, sure that someone else was listening as her assumptions were true, Boboiboy, Mikleo and Gopal standing in the control room watching the camera.

Zack asked, "Then, what does that mean?" "Sire Helio plans on harming people with this specific serum and some of his other developments. If it gets mixed with his latest projects, any being might become under his control or worse... he could bring about mass murder." She stated as Zack was wide-eyed, looking to the side and CCTV, Boboiboy clicking his tongue as he contemplated before Zack, "Where is this Boss Helio?" She pressed her lips together, making him give a pleading look, "Please... you need to help us." His eyes dawned to her as she felt a bit annoyed and worried, muttering, "Kasvinne... you'll find answers there."

He heaved a breath, smiling as he looked at her knelt position, putting his hand in the transparent cell, seemingly looking like they were holding hands. Aisha flushed, her violet cheeks turned darker as she gasped, enchanted as he said, "Thank you, Aisha." She puffed her cheeks, looking bright as they continued to chat a bit more loosely.

Inside the control room, Boboiboy had his arms crossed, looking skeptical of his eyes when Keith entered, noticing their tension as she move to properly see the screen, giving a smirk as she uttered, "I never would've expected that devious little snake to fall in love," the words made the brunet run a shiver down his spine, "then again, she is still close to a seventeen year old who hasn't known kindness for a while so it's no wonder she looks like a lovesick toad." She added as Boboiboy faced her with a frown, "I'm not sure how to feel about my son charming an alien like some kind of seducer." "Dey, like you didn't charm Yaya into letting you escape from training yesterday." Gopal piped in, making the latter nudge his side as Keith lightly shook her head.

Putting a hand on her hip, Keith said, "I have to ask about something with regards to your keys." Her voice soon made them act more seriously, "when I went to eat with Brianna, I asked her about why she commanded or told her brother to spare the Snake ans she told me something odd." Keith furrowed her brows as she recalled the conversation.

"A man told me. A hooded mister." "A hooded–did you see his face or anything that could describe him?" Keith asked Brianna who carefully thought, humming when she snapped her finger, saying, "Oh, he looked like Mr. Damien! But his hair was shorter and he had a scar on his left cheek." The words alarmed her as she recalled a specific person, her heart beating faster. "Anna, did he perhaps," she pointed to her sword behind her, "carry something like... a lasso on him?" she questioned as Anna was slightly shocked, nodding. "Yeah, he did! I even asked him why Ms. Aisha needs to be saved and he said he's her friend." Anna stated as Keith nodded.

After retelling the conversation, Gopal asked, "What does that mean?" Boboiboy hissed, heaving a breath. "I think those hooded figures are from the keys. They know something's gonna happen." Boboiboy voiced, concerned as he faced Keith who spoke, "You are correct in that assumption, but there is something you should know about those powerful keys... each of the key's holder cannot fully perish and will instead be transported to the Realm of Illusionaries where they live in silence away from mortal realms." Her words alarmed the two key-holders.

Gopal soon stated in worry, "Then.... Those two hooded figures you said about–" "You are right, those two are Blue Canary, Aisha's friend and my brother, and Blue Falcon, my husband."

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