Heart Code: BOYA: A Week of Love (D6)

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BOYA: A Week of Love: (Saturday) Day 6

As Yaya woke up, she saw the face of her husband still sleeping. She shook him and he opened his eyes. "Good morning." She said to him. "Good morning, Honey." He answered, going near her and kissing her forehead. "Are we leaving today?" She asked. He nodded, hugging her still. "Why? Wanna leave already?" He asked back. "Not that! Really... I just..." She stammered unable to say the rest of her sentence. Boboiboy once again kissed her forehead. "Whatever it is. I'm sure there's a reason for everything." He said and got up from bed. "I'll go cook something." She said, leaving the room.

While she cooked, she looked down. "Maybe I should've just said I wanted to spend more time with him." She muttered. She finally finished cooking and walked to their bedroom. She was about to go in when she overheard from the door. "Sir. Yes we're... we're going now... We'll go when the ship arrives. N-New mission?... I'll do it as soon as I arrive, Okay, See you soon Sir." Boboiboy said as he talked on his phone with Ciciko. As she went in, he looked at her. "You done?" He asked with a calm face. "Y-Yeah." She answers. "We'll be going after we eat. Let's go." He said, going to her hugging her and going down.

She looked at his back as he left. 'He must've thought I was happy to leave.' She thought. She went down and saw Boboiboy eating already. As they ate quietly Yaya felt more and more guilty. Boboiboy suddenly got another call. He answered. "Admiral Boboiboy speaking." He said. After he talked in the phone. "The Ship is here near Atoks shop. If you're done... We can go." He said with a smile.

After they eat, they went out to Tok Aba's shop and saw the ship. They bid goobye to everyone since Fang and Boboiboy needed to go again. While the ride went smoothly, Yaya felt more and more anxious. She looked at her husband who's discussing something with Fang. "Did you two fight?" A voice asked and she looked seeing Ying and Shielda. "Ah? Urmm... We didn't just a simple misunderstanding..." Yaya said, explaining what had happened. "I guess he must feel sad by what you said." Shielda said with a concern face. "Beside the point, Yaya are you okay?" Ying asked. "Why?" She asks. "Your paler than usual." Ying answered. "I guess the stress must've done it." She said. "Rest up when we arrive we're free today.' Shielda said and they agreed.

AS they arrived they went with Yaya and Boboiboy went to the Fleets office. Yaya laid down her bed and Ying grabbed a thermometer. They put it in her mouth and when it was taken it was higher than average temperatures. They told her to rest and she did while they went out to find some food, medicine, and other needs. While she closed her eyes she tried to rest, but her mind is ramble in the moment. When she heard the door open she thought it was the girls. 'Ying did you find the things you needed." She asked, but no answer. She was suspicious now and opened her eyes.

Her eyes went wide seeing her husband looking down at her. "Um... I can..." She stammered once again. "Not bothering to call, telling me you were fine when you got off, and now you've told your friend before your husband." Boboiboy said as he transformed to Blaze. Yaya pouted as Blaze looked at her irritated. Blaze was about to leave when Yaya got up quickly and hugged him. She placed her head on his back. "I'm sorry. I wasn't honest with you. I was just shy." She admitted. Blaze grabbed her hand and spun her around, making her face him. "Shy? What, were you gonna ask so you'd know until when we're gonna spend time with eathother?" He exclaimed, making her blush harder. Blaze finally understood why and let go of her hand.

"If you'd just continued... *sigh* fine... I'll be a Butler and do what you want." He said, blushing. "W-Why?" She asked. "Because I was wrong but, this is between us okay." He answered and pouted. "Well... since you're MY butler. You need to wear this while doing so!" She said, showing an outfit. Blaze was unable to do anything and wore it. While he helped her she had questions to ask. "How did you know that I was sick? And weren't you supposed to be on a mission." She asked. "I rejected the offer when Shielda and Ying told me about you." He answered, brewing a pot of tea with his hand that is now on fire. She blushed as he just focused. "You know for a troublesome lady, you're pretty important to me." He said, making her shyer...

A Character Line Drawn By Me:

A Character Line Drawn By Me:

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