Chapter 2 Alena

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When my mom left I was saddened, and that was really only because she did not take me with her, I thought for sure that she would have at least tried. I felt betrayed thinking that maybe she didn't want me either.

After a few weeks had gone by and going without seeing her since she the day she moved out. One day she picked me up from school and I went to her apartment. We walked the whole way in silence, it was a crisp day and the wind was rustling the leaves. After about 20 minutes we arrive at her place and even there in the comfort and privacy of her place where we are free to discuss things freely, yet it remains silent.

We go in and walk right into the tv area and proceeded to take our shoes off, but we avoid removing our socks as it is white tiled flooring and we both know with Winter fast approaching this floor would be far too cold. I can already feel a slight coolness through my fuzzy gray socks.

I recline on her navy blue couch that's made of fabric, and as I am in the sitting room I stare at the television even though it's not on. I contemplate things such as life, the way things are right now, asking myself how to fix things? Or if I could even fix it? Syn argues that I overthink things too much but then again, what does he know? I shrug in a manner as if answering that question myself.

I space out once again, pondering anything and everything that came to mind, like the fact that some people of older days would call the room I am in a "living room". I question why people would do such a thing, because mainly all you do in it is sit there filling your head with mindless entertainment until you fall asleep with a bowl of half-eaten popcorn that has grown cold in your lap. I wouldn't call that living... That is barely even existing.

My mom walks into the room and plops down beside me with two plates in her hands. Grilled cheese with spinach and tomato YUMM! I express my gratitude towards this action, and return to my silent thoughts.
'Okay, you have barely said two words since I got you from school. What's on your mind?'
I had just taken a bite of my food when she had inquired. Still holding my sandwich with my hands and trying to chew quickly, without making the gross, sloshing sounds that other humans make. I am doing all of this just to respond to her question. I dubiously shriek revealing what has been on my mind. 'Mom why did you leave and not take me with you?'

I look right at her purposefully. Refusing to be the one to break eye contact. She looks down as if she is grieved and abashed. She put her plate down as if what I want to know suddenly made her lose her appetite. After a moment of both of us remaining hushed she proceeds to moan
'Please understand that I wanted and still want to take you but, that's a battle I know I will lose.'

She didn't elaborate on that. In fact, she refused to speak about that any further. 'But, mom I don't like her either, so why do you get to leave but I am required to stay there?'

'There are things I will not speak to you about. At least not at this time, just know that your father is the one you need to live with for now!' She tries saying this in a reassuring tone that she isn't even convinced of.

I interrogate her in a low tone 'Are you and dad getting a divorce?' there is a hint of sadness in my voice as it begins to tremble.

All of the memories of us as a family before she came into the picture begin to flood my mind. I want to cry but I rebel against my emotions, refusing to let them show through. She looks at me for a minute unsure of what to say. She lets out a couple of sighs and goes on to explain to me 'I don't know. Divorce is a long process you know that, and even if that does happen just know we both love you!'

With that being spoken of openly I realize one thing is right that our conversation consisted of, and that is the divorcing process. It is so long and drawn out that it can take up to two or even three years before it is finalized. That is because the government officials hope the couple can reconcile the differences and try again. They frown upon it, so they don't just hand out divorce papers to sign. There is a process you have to go through.

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