Chapter 21

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Declan announces to Saunyer 'These people are all from the dome!'

Saunyer exclaims 'I'm aware of that. My father and I were from the dome! We left when I was still a boy!'

I listen as he makes these allegations but how can I have forgotten I have a brother? That's near impossible...Right? So many questions buzz through my mind. I glance at him up and down and we do have the same toned build. We have the same color eyes and dark hair. Everything about us, our features, smile, it's all the same. The difference is I have a dimple on my left cheek, my face is slimmer where as his is almost oval shaped.

'Saunyer why don't you join us? It seems like your brother here could use some answers.' States Declan.

Saunyer shrugs 'Sure.'

Now back to the original plan. Syndir and I are walking along while mom holds Aria. Carson and Saunyer are bantering like teenage girls and Emilie's putting in her two cents every chance she can. I look around and see my baby sister happy and healthy. She's enjoying having someone her age back in her life, I'm also happy for her. We go passed all of the food stations and there's a metal door on the right that remains locked. When Saunyer joins he kind of takes the lead Declan doesn't seem to mind. Saunyer knocks on it, doing so rather loudly. Within seconds there's a woman opening the door. She's dressed superbly. She's tall, and skinny with a warm skin tone, it's like caramel only a little lighter. She's wearing a floral straight skirt with a light pink lace top. She has on make up but it's just the right amount for her. I'm jealous of her appearance. I know it's childish but do I care? No!

I definitely stuck to Syndir's side. Yes, I'm feeling threatened. She ushers us into the room and where we're surrounded by cement blocks that are painted white. It's cold in this room. The lights flicker on and off a couple times and then there are royal blue LED lights stuck on the wall. Then there's a man sitting at a desk typing away. He looks oddly familiar but I can't put my finger on it. He has salt and pepper hair, he and a skin tone that looks like coffee, it's flawless. He only has one tiny wrinkle that etches his forehead. You can see from his torso up that he's very muscular.

'Sup pops?' He declares casually. The man looks up at all of us and in doing so his mouth drops. He abruptly stammers to his feet while yelling excitedly 'CARSON?' With that, Carson looks up shaking his head from whatever thought bubble he was in.

'DAD?' He says with a dumbstruck tone. 'How did you two find each other?' He questions.

Before Carson could speak Saunyer does for the both of them. 'Coincidence. You have things to explain, for one thing why does he not remember me as his brother?' He isn't angry but he's shocked and appalled at the fact his little brother doesn't know who he is. Carson never spoke of him before, never mentioned having a brother.

'Son' he stops and clears his throat before proceeding 'I mean sons, I have a protocol that I have to follow! One of those being that I ensure you and your friends have housing and food and things of that nature! Please allow me to do that and then we will discuss this further!'

Saunyer rolls his eyes at his father's remark. 'Sometimes protocols are less important.'

I try to piece things together while everyone else speaks. Trying to solve what would happen next rather than just listening.

'Shall we?' As Carson's dad motions to the many seats to choose from. We begin reclining in our chairs as he realizes 'Wait, I know most of you here! You're Alena Sincard aren't you? How is your father and mother?' He asks.

I look curiously at him as to how he remembers me. It takes me by surprise, 'Uhh... My mother is right here, she's good. My sisters here too, she just grew up and doesn't quite look the same anymore. Also I'm no longer a Sincard.' Sezi doesn't look the same, she lost all of her baby fat and her hair spans to her shoulders and very curly, almost a spiral curl. I let out a light chuckle avoiding telling details of my father and spilling our business to a practical stranger.

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