Chapter 9: Carson and Emilie

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'Carson, will you slow down!'

I yell at him as we are practically running. He is pulling my arm as to what feels like it being yanked out of socket!

I know he isn't doing this on purpose, Carson only ever looks out for me but his behavior is starting to concern me. I have to get his attention.

'Carson! STOP!' I howl so loudly that he can't help but to refocus and break his thought pattern. 

'Emilie they have lost it! They need help.' He claims in a panic stricken voice. Not understanding what to do or how to process what has just been revealed to the both of us.

'Where are we going?'

'To the Police Sector... They need help Em!'

'Hey, Carson I know you're frightened right now but even so, if what they say is true do you really think the Police will help? Carse think about this!' I speak in a phlegmatic and composed manner to try to calm him down.

His eyes are beginning to soften at my locution and I feel as though I am getting somewhere with him... Then, reality hit him and his eyes turn back in a frenzy and yet dubious appearance. Then he questions me 'Don't tell me you believe them!'

'Carse, they have never steered us wrong before! Please just research the panacea before turning them in. You need proof of what they're exclaiming anyways.'

I try to reason with him at least so that he chooses not to get our friends in trouble. Even if we don't go with them they shouldn't be turned in by their best friends!

'If I research this and they are wrong you realize I am going to the police right? Like forthwith!' Carson declares.

'I am aware of that but, there has to be something going on for them to say those things. So we know what to do if they're wrong but, Carson we have to discuss what we will do if what they are saying proves virtuous!'

He remains silent for a minute. Examining and processing what I just stated. At this point, he lets go of my arm and moves down to hold my hand doing so loosely.

'If they are right, then we will plan with them. I vowed to keep you safe so, I will do whatever I have to do to keep that promise.'

He kisses my forehead and we walk the rest of the way home. Fortunately, we live in the Medical Sector as well, so it's not to far. When we get home we get ready for bed. We take the pills at night, so I go to grab them and then stop myself, holding the orange bottle in my hand I replay every word they said and I decided not to take it. In fact, I flush all of them down the toilet, including Carson's. After finishing up my bedtime routine I hop in the bed while Carson finishes up. When he goes into the bathroom adjacent to our room I know he will be looking for the tablets. I can hear him shuffling through the vanity, and then opening and closing the drawers that sit by the the white porcelain sink.

'Emmy have you seen our prescription Larynjex? I can't find mine or yours.'

I start to worry about how he will react to my decisive actions. I say quietly and unsteadily in my voice 'Yeah... I... Flushed them.'

He darts out of the bathroom and gives me an angered look. His right eyebrow is arched upwards and his nose crunches as it always does when confused or angry. He sucks in a breath of air and proceeds to let it out. 'Why would you do that Emilie?'

I sit up in bed and say 'Listen, I know you want to keep me out of harms way but, if those pills aren't safe I don't want them. We won't know until you do research on them. Until then I'm not taking them and I don't want you taking them either because I want you to be safe too!'

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