Chapter 23

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A few days pass and I was finally released from the hospital. Every one even Saunyer came over to show support. Everyone was trying to keep the conversation light and encouraging but I wasn't in the mood to be upbuilt. Especially when I took note of Emilie's belly and how much it had grown. She was now 4 months along and you could tell. It made me jealous. She was pregnant and made it look nice and easy. Why was I the one to have difficulties?

Carson and Saunyer were discussing something which looked pretty serious. I can't deny that since getting here Carson has been different. He's been angry, moody, and very distant from all of us. This was the first night we had all hung out in about a month and I think Emilie had to drag him to the event. We all thought it was from the stress of the unknown, plus getting ready to be a parent. That would stress anyone out but, even after a month close to two he wasn't getting any better. In fact, he was only getting worse.

'Carson you need to listen to me about this! I'm trying to protect you.' Saunyer yelled out.

'Save it! I don't need protection! I haven't had anyone protecting me for a long time. This mission needs to be set in motion as soon as possible!' He stated in an angered tone.

Saunyer calmly acknowledges what he said. 'You're right, but it needs to be thought out more. Don't you think? This has to be solid and fool proof! We can't just take down a dome that's turned evil without giving a tremendous amount of thought to it.' He puts his hand on his little brother's shoulder as an assurance. All the while Carson remained silent. He was no longer irritated but, mulling over the words of his brother.

I know it's rude to eavesdrop but I wanted to know more about this plan. Something Carson is way more gung-ho for. 'Guys, what plan are you discussing?' I ask inquisitively. Trying to satisfy this curiosity of mine that I know will eventually be the death of me.

They both stare at me not realizing the surroundings they were in. 'It's nothing. Right Carson?' Saunyer asks him yet is already answering the question for Carse. I heard what they were talking about and I needed answers. I thought I could leave the dome and what happened there alone but, I can't! I went and found Syndir to explain the things I just heard  to him. If anything when Carson's alone maybe we could get answers out of him.

The gathering comes to an end as our friends and family all head home we grab Carson by the arm and ask him and Emilie to stay for a little while longer. Trying to get him to talk, not just about those plans but seeing where his head is at. He has not been the same in quite sometime. He looks at Emmy after we ask them to stay and they nod in agreement. With that we boil up some water for tea and bring out the cozy blankets while Syndir and Carson started the fireplace up. A fireplace with real fire! I loved this so much better than the ones we had inside the domes. Anyways, once all of that was done the four of us reclined on the huge couch. Ezaria is staying with mom tonight so there's no worries of waking her up. We talk for what felt like forever and it was awesome catching up with them. It felt like old times again.

The room went silent for a moment and Carson clears his throat. 'Guys, I...We know why you want us to stay. There's some things I can not speak about with you two.' He uttered that quickly and factual.

Syn assured him 'We understand there are things that have to remain confidential however, Carse if those plans were truly top secret why talk about them here? Especially out in the open!' His voice remained calm even though he has strong feelings about this situation.

'Syn...Ale. I can't tell you!' He claims all the while Emilie and I are remaining silent while looking at one another.

'Carson, with everything we all just went through in the dome the confidential matters and sensitive research I did, I shared all of that with you! You already know that what you tell us will not leave this room!' Syndir was becoming a little unnerved and heated on this topic. Offended that Carson won't divulge secrets like this even though we have done that very thing.

Carson stood up without a word, and Emilie while remaining seated just looks at him. 'Maybe we should just go. Come on Em.' He takes her hand trying to get her to follow him but she wouldn't budge. 'Carson stop! Okay, stop being this version of you! We never keep secrets from them. This new job has changed you, and I don't mean that as a complement. This job has and continues to change you!'

She declared and you can hear in her voice she has had enough. She is tired of fighting this and hiding what she thinks. 'Carson you're not the man I married. This is not how I want you acting towards our child. You need to tell them everything you have told me!' She pats the couch where he was just sitting. Doing so to signal for him to sit back down and he does without a fight!

He remains silent even after he sits down. We didn't want to push him so we allowed Emilie to observe and see when was a good time to get him talking. She did all the work by nagging him I guess you don't want to mess with her and her pregnancy hormones. He began to speak of the things he told his wife.

Letting out a loud sigh he begun 'Guys working in the Government Department with my father and Saunyer has been enlightening to say the least. I've gotten quite a few answers that I've been searching for. For instance, why my dad left me and my mother. Who helped him and more.'

He continued to reveal that the one who helped his dad escape was in fact mine! I found that way to hard to believe however, I knew that Carson wouldn't lie about this. He relayed to us everything he had been wanting to and then some.

'Guys, there's still more. You're dad has completely taken over the dome. We sent crew members to observe from the outside of both domes to see what was going on and now there are people from the Government and Police Sectors that have shifts guarding the exits. They have likely upped the dosage of the Larynjex. Others have also tried to break free after us but didn't make it.'

'That's terrible!' Syndir announced.

'Both domes have lost it. We found out that Sezi is from the dome that Anders is from. Somehow your father and the leader of the Government unit there have been in contact for years! They have coordinated many things together and they must be stopped!' Carson declared to all of us.

At this point I wasn't surprised by any of this but I was on the edge of our couch and picking at my nails from nervousness and being on edge. I'm not surprised but how am I supposed to react. Finding out how much control my dad has. When I lived with him I wouldn't have guessed he was the leader so was this a recent occurrence? How did the two government leaders get in touch? Why did they give Sezi away and why did father take her? Where are her real parents? Are they searching for her? What's going to happen now? Are we safe? All of these questions surfaced and ran through my mind quickly. I didn't have any of the answers and I thought running was behind us. Now I'm not so sure.

The room was quiet as Syn was looking at me while trying to soothe me by rubbing my back with his hand. Emilie was looking at Carson as if he wasn't finished, and come to find out Carson was awaiting for a good time to speak again. I look at him and ask 'What's going to happen next?' My curiosity got the best of me, as it usually did.

'My father knows how to end this! He has a plan and he needs a team! Are you guys in?' Carson answered my question and ended this revelation with a question. I look to Syndir allowing him to make the ultimate and final decision. I know we are all exhausted from rules, fighting, running, and defending our lives I know we just want to have a normal life. Then again, what is normal?

Syndir looks up and says 'We're in!'

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