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Five looks around. Everything gone. 

"What the hell...?" He questions aloud.

He walks around the ruins, taking everything in. Five passes the Umbrella Academy. He touches the plaque attached to the last part of the building standing. The sound of sobbing fills his ears and he space jumps to the noise.

Five looks down at a girl, crying into her arms. She's curled in a ball, mumbling things.

"What are you doing?" Five questions.

The girl looks up, scared by the sudden sound of someone else. She wipes her face on her hospital gown and stands.

"I don't know." She says, looking around.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Five asks, confused as to how she got here.

She shrugs. 

"Papa told me to look into the future and now..."

She looks at her surroundings and shrugs again. "I got.. stuck somehow." 

"What's your name?" He asks.

"Well, Papa calls me Number 9... but my actual name is Lindsey." She smiles a little.

"Five." He holds out his hand, which she shakes.

"No name?" Lindsey asks.

"I never stuck around long enough to get one." Five says, recalling his time jump. "So... you see the future?"

"Well, those aren't exactly my powers. Papa gives me a relaxing pill to see into the future." The girl admits.

"What powers do you have...?" Five asks, interested.

Lindsey smiles, excited to show the powers her Papa doesn't let her show often.

Lindsey focuses and closes her eyes.

"Do you see it?" She questions, keeping her eyes closed.

Five looks around and sees dozens, no hundreds, of colorful birds.

"Where'd they come from?" He questions.

"Me." Lindsey smirks.

She opens her eyes and the illusion stops.

"Woah. Anymore?" Five asks, amazed with her power.

Lindsey nods.

She picks up a shard of glass and slides it though Five's skin.

"OW. Are you crazy?!" He exclaims, turning away from the girl.

"Just, watch." Lindsey persuades. She covers the wound with her hand and Five's skin tingles.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Sh. I need to concentrate." After a few more seconds, she lifts her hand. The cut is gone.

"How did you-"

"Oh and one more thing." Lindsey cuts him off.

She stares deep into the boys eyes and he stands there, confused.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

She just stares.

"Oh my god. I can hear your thoughts." He says, causing Lindsey to smile. 

"I know! Cool, right? How'd you get here?" Lindsey's turn to ask questions.

"I can jump through time." He admits.

"So cool!" She smiles. "Do you know how to get us out of here?"

He nods.

"I think so."

"Can you take me back to the lab?" She asks.

Five shakes his head. "I probably could, but... it doesn't sound like a safe place."

Lindsey nods. "But I have no where to go."

"You can come with me."


"My old home. The Umbrella Academy."

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