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Lindsey wakes up in the morning, from a bad dream. She sits up quickly to see Five sitting at the end of the bed. 

"Why are you watching me sleep?" Lindsey asks, worryingly.

"You were having a nightmare, I didn't know how to wake you." He says, shrugging.

Lindsey nods.

"Come downstairs, Grace made breakfast."


"Good morning, everyone." Lindsey says, sitting in next to Klaus, leaving a space between her and Five. Diego starts going to that space, but Lindsey stops him.

"What? Something wrong?" He asks.

"Ben is sitting there." She says, rubbing Ben's shoulder.

Diego sits on the opposite side of Five and nods at the "empty" chair. 

"I just let a damn dead person take my seat." Diego shakes his head.

"Pancake train!" Grace calls out.

"Pancake what?" Lindsey asks, confused.

"Just, go along with it." Allison smiles.

Grace hands a plate to Diego that he passes to Five. Five passes it to Lindsey and she hands it to Klaus. Klaus hands it to Allison, who hands it to Luther. Luther keeps the pancakes.

"Do you get it, now?" Allison asks. Lindsey nods, enthusiastically, happy to be learning new things.


"42 bedrooms and not a single drop of coffee." Five states, looking for some coffee.

"Dad hated caffeine." Allison says, matter of factually.

"He also hated kids, but he had plenty of us." Klaus slurs, clearly under the influence.

"I'll be back." Five sighs.

"Where are you going?" Allison asks.

"To get a decent cup of coffee." Five ties his shoes.

"Can I come?" Lindsey asks, shyly.

Five stands and smiles at her. "Sure."

"Do you even know how to drive?" Allison questions.

"I know how to do everything."


Lindsey and Five walk in the coffee shop and take a seat at the counter.

"What'll it be?" The waitress asks.

"Um, a chocolate eclair, please." An older man orders.

"And a milk or something for the kids?" She asks, looking at Five and Lindsey.

"This kid wants coffee. Black."

The waitress stares at him before writing it down.

Five flashes her a toothy smile.

"Uh, I'll have a chocolate milk, please." Lindsey says, politely.

The waitress smiles. "I'll be back with your drinks." 

A few minutes later, she brings the drinks.

Five and the truck driver start a conversation, before he leaves.

"Five." Lindsey grips his arm.

"Ow, what's wrong?" Five asks.

Lindsey points a shaky hand at something behind Five.

He turns around slowly and sees about a dozen guys. All with guns.

"I thought I'd have more time before you found me." Five sighs a little.

"Let's all be professional about this, okay? I don't want to shoot a kid. Do you think I want that on my conscious?" One of the men ask.

Lindsey looks at Five and starts transporting thoughts.

I'll make an illusion that there's a fire, remember it's just an illusion. So, you'll space jump to where I'll have them cornered and the rest will work out on it's own. She thinks.

Five nods and space jumps somewhere.

The men frantically look around and Lindsey hides behind the counter. 

"Where'd they go?"

Lindsey focuses and makes a fire appear in front of them. The men begin backing up, to a corner.

Perfect. Lindsey thinks to herself.

Lindsey leaves enough space between the men and the fire for Five to do what he needs. She covers her eyes, not wanting to see anything. The sound of gun fire and screaming fills her ears. She looses more and more blood from her nose.

Hurry up, Five.

She can't take it anymore, she let's the illusion die. She lays behind the counter, weak.

The darkness creeps in her peripheral vision.

Shit. Stay awake, Lindsey!

Oh, but the darkness is stronger than her mind.

Darkness wins.

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