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Five finishes his job and looks around. 

"Lindsey. We need to go!" He says, hearing police sirens.

No response.

"Shit." He says, thinking the girl left him. He times jump back into the kitchen of his house, where everyone is talking.

"Where's Lindsey?" Allison asks, immediately.

"She left me." Five messes with his shirt sleeve.

"Why would she do that?" Vanya questions.

Five shrugs.

"Oh my!" Grace exclaims from the front door.

Everyone rushes to her side.

"Mom? Is everything okay?" Diego stops dead in his tracks.

"Oh my god!" Allison says.

"Are you okay, Lindsey?!" Vanya asks.

Lindsey stands in the doorway. She has blood on her shirt sleeve, tears are streaming down her face, and she looks ready to pass out.

Allison walks the girl to the kitchen and everyone follows. 

"I'll fetch her some food." Grace begins making the girl some oatmeal.

"What happened?" Luther asks.

Lindsey points at Five.

"What did I do? You're the one who left me!" Five raises his voice a bit.

"No, I did not." Lindsey accepts the oatmeal from Grace, taking two big bites.

"I passed out behind the counter! When I woke up, police were everywhere! I tried to escape through the back, but one of the officers caught me. I had to..." Lindsey starts feeling sick to her stomach, remembering what happened.

"What did you do, sweetheart?" Pogo questions, kindly.

"I had to kill them."Lindsey tears up, her hand covers her mouth to muffle her sobs.

"Oh my gosh..." Allison trails off, looking at her siblings.

"...You shouldn't have come. You should have stayed here." Five shakes his head.

"All I wanted was to spend time with you." Lindsey mutters out.

"You're a child. Our work is adult business." Five states.

"Five! The girl is going through a lot." Klaus says.

"Exactly. She should have stayed here, where a child belongs." Five drinks some of the coffee he ordered from the diner.

Lindsey stands. "I had to kill someone! If that isn't adult business, I don't know what is!" She exclaims.

"I'll tell you. It's getting your work done, without crying about it." Five says slowly.

Lindsey runs up the stairs, into Allison's old bedroom, slamming the door.

"Great, she's upset." Five says.

"No shit, dumbass. You called her a child." Klaus says.

"What is she?" Five questions. 

"A human. With feelings. That you've hurt." Vanya explains, all too familiar with being hurt. "It's late, I should get home. See you all later." 

Vanya exchanges goodbyes with everyone and leaves.

Eventually, everyone leaves the kitchen to go take care of things.

Leaving Five alone with his thoughts.

And everyone knows, it isn't good to be alone with your thoughts to talk to you.


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