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~4 days left.~

Lindsey sits at the kitchen table and eats her cereal, while everyone engulfs in a serious conversation.

"Well, how would we stop it...?" Allison asks.

"No clue." Five sighs.


Lindsey sits in the living room, reading a book.

knock knock

"I got it." She says, walking to the door. She opens it and sees two people with masks.

"Uh...?" Lindsey raises an eyebrow.

"Hello, test subject 9."

Lindsey turns around. 

"Dr. Brenner." Her eyes widen.

"You mean 'Papa'." He gives her a small smile. "I told you I'd find you."

"B-But.. how?" Lindsey stutters.

"You don't cover your tracks well." Dr. Brenner holds up a hair pin that used to belong to Lindsey's mother.

Lindsey's facial expression weakens, along with the rest of her body.

"Leave me alone." The girl backs away, regaining her senses.

"Come with me, 9."

"My name is 'Lindsey'." She raises her voice slightly.

Brenner sighs.

"Be a good girl." He holds out a familiar pill for Lindsey to take.

She takes the pill and stuffs it in her pocket.

"Take it, now." He says sternly.

Lindsey smirks and screams at the top of her lungs.

Everyone comes running downstairs and Lindsey crosses her arms.

The two masked people pull out guns.

"Checkmate." The one with a bunny mask says.

"Oh, really?" Lindsey makes an allusion of fire separating the two groups.

"It's fake." Dr. Brenner walks straight through it.

"Crap." Lindsey mumbles.

"Create a distraction." Allison whispers to Lindsey before disappearing into another room.

Allison appears behind the other person in a mask.

She whispers something in his ear and points the gun at Brenner.

After Allison does the same thing to the bunny mask, she walks back over to her siblings.

Bunny mask points the gun at Brenner also.

"Check, bitch." Lindsey smirks.

Everyone's eyes go wide and they look at the girl, who's bold for her age and size.

"I'll be back for you." He points at Lindsey.

"I don't think so."

They fire at Brenner and he falls to the floor.

Lindsey's eyes go wide at his lifeless body.

"Oh my god." She gags.

"Get Lindsey out of here." Luther orders.

Pogo and Vanya take the girl upstairs and lays her in her bed.

"Oh my god." She repeats.

"I know, Miss Lindsey. I'm sorry you had to see that." Pogo sighs.

Everyone comes upstairs and Grace hands Lindsey a tea.

"Drink up." She says, cheerfully.

"No, thanks." Lindsey puts the tea on the nightstand.

"We can have a funeral, if you want." Diego offers.

"Nope." Lindsey replies simply.

"Are you okay?" Allison asks.

Wrong question.

"No, I'm not okay! I lost my mom, lost my sanity, and now I'm lost in fucking time! This is bullshit. I..." Lindsey pauses to contain her stutters. "The world is ending and you know what? I'm actually looking forward to it."

Lindsey runs out of the room and out of the house.


They follow her.

"Leave her, she'll come back." Pogo assures.

Lindsey runs through the woods and stops when she hears someone following her.

Lindsey turns around quickly.

"Kali? Jane?" Lindsey steps towards the figures.

"Lizzy!" Kali exclaims.

"Is it really you?" Lindsey asks, cautiously.

Kali and Jane pull their sleeves up, revealing there numbers.

"Oh my god." Lindsey breathes out.

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