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"Where's Miss Lindsey?" Pogo questions, once everyone is in the kitchen for breakfast.

"She hasn't come out of that room for 2 days." Allison sighs.

"How come?" Vanya asks, not always here to know what goes on.

Luther glances at Five. "Hm, answer her. How come, Five?"

"Fine, I'll go apologize." Five stands from the table, walking up the stairs.

He knocks lightly on Lindsey's room door.

The only response he gets is a sniffle.

"Lindsey." Five says, opening the door slightly.

"Leave me alone." The girl says, sternly, but Five can still hear the hurt in her voice.

Five steps into the room and closes the door behind him. He sits on the bed, about 10 inches away from Lindsey.

She moves closer to the wall, away from him.

"I get it. Being called a child is hard. Especially when you're more mature then one." Five touches his busted lip.

"What happened?" Lindsey questions, seeing his lip.

"Long story." He says, referring to the trip to the doctors office him and Klaus had.

"Here." Lindsey inches forward, placing her hand over his lip.


"Why isn't it working?" Lindsey takes a pair of scissors, sliding it lightly through Five's arm.

She puts her hand over the wound quickly.

She lifts her hand and it's gone.

Lindsey tries again and nothing happens.

"A kiss." She says, remembering what her Papa told her.

"What?" Five asks, confused.

"Just, shut up." She says and kisses him.

If you ask Lindsey, she'd tell you sparks were flying. 

If you'd ask Five, he'd say something a little less magical, but only because his imagination isn't as young as Lindsey's.

a/n: Idek.

Lindsey pulls away and examines his lip.

"It's gone." She says, looking down.

Five touches his lip, confirming what Lindsey said.

They sit in the silence and look at anything except each other.

"So, um.." Five turns to Lindsey. "I'm really sorry about calling you a child...You're more than that."

"No, you're right. I am a child." Lindsey looks down.

"No, you're not. You're more than that. And in all honesty, Klaus is more of a child then you." He pats her leg and with that, he leaves the room.

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