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"Uh, here. These are mine, I can't fit them anymore. I'll give you some privacy." Allison steps out of the room.

Lindsey drops the clothes on the floor and looks around the room, examining and the trinkets and pictures. 

She eventually gets dressed and admires herself.

a/n: This is what Lindsey looks like (Francesca Capaldi)

Lindsey changes into black leggings and a pink pullover with a rose in the middle of it

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Lindsey changes into black leggings and a pink pullover with a rose in the middle of it. 

"I'm done." She calls into the hallway.

Everyone, even Grace and Pogo, the monkey butler, comes into Allison's old room.

"We have some questions, think you can answer them?" Luther asks, slowly.

"Stop speaking to her like an infant, Luther." Five says.

Lindsey looks down and then up again. "Okay. I can answer them."

"Okay, were you born with these powers?" Luther asks.

"Yes. My mother signed up for a laboratory testing thing and they gave her all sorts of drugs."

"Where is she now?" Vanya questions.

Lindsey looks away, sadly. "Dead." She says, barely above a whisper.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." Vanya says.

"Don't worry about it." Lindsey wipes her tears and looks back at the group.

"You're okay to answer more?" Diego asks. 

Lindsey just nods.

"Where did you live?"

"Hawkins, Indiana."

"Are there others like you?" 


"Where are they?"

"They escaped somehow."

"Who is "they"?"

"Eleven and Eight."

They all look among each other.

"Can you help us see our father? He died, we didn't get a proper goodbye."

Lindsey nods.


Everyone stands in the bathroom, waiting for Grace's return.

"I got the blindfold and picture." She says, handing them to Pogo.

Pogo approaches Lindsey and shows her the picture.

"I got it." Lindsey says, tying the blindfold around her eyes.

"I can only take one person for now, I'm too weak to do all of you. So, who'll it be?"

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