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"Two more days and all you wanna do is get high?!" Five scolds Klaus.

"I'm kinda excited." Lindsey admits, sitting down with her bag of chips.

"What if it's like one big star? And then everything disappears."

Five smiles at Lindsey's child like imagination.

"That's not how it is, Lindsey." Five shuts down her thought.

"Oh.. well... we can pretend it is!" Lindsey giggles, being joined by her sisters.

"What's going on?" Jane asks.

"I'm going to go make a margarita." Klaus states. "Anyone coming?"

"Me!" Kali stands, following him.

"I found my soulmate." Klaus says dreamily.

"And I found mine." Five smiles at Lindsey, who examines the weird shape of a Cheeto.

a/n: Next chapter should be longer. I'll try updating more :) there'll only be a few more chapters. Maybe like 1 or 2.

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