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Five walks through the front door, Lindsey close behind him.

"Where the hell did you go?" Luther's voice boomed.

"Calm down, I was trying to determine how long we had left. We have 8 days." Five says, nonchalantly. 

"Oh shit." Allison breathes out.

"Anyone got 8 days worth of beer?" Klaus asks.

Lindsey stares at Ben, he stares back.

"Who's that?" Vanya asks, referring to Lindsey.

"I'm L-Lindsey." The girl stutters out, nervous.

"This is Vanya, Allison, Luther, Klaus, and Grace our mother." Five introduces. "She needs somewhere to stay, s-"

"Who's that?" Lindsey points to Ben.

"Who?" Allison asks.

Klaus drops the sandwich he was eating.

"You see him too? Thank god." He says, relieved.

"I'm dead." Ben says, seeing Lindsey's confusion.

"But... how do I see you?" Lindsey questions.

"Must be a power." Ben says.

"Great, another one." Lindsey throws her hands up in frustration. 

"You have powers?" Klaus asks, listening to their conversation.

"Yeah." Lindsey admits.

"Can we see?" Klaus asks.


Lindsey stands in the driveway, concentrating.

"I think this is bullshit." Luther says, walking away.

"Shut up, she's trying to focus." Five defends her.

"On what? The sound of the wind?" Diego teases, making wind sounds.

Lindsey starts getting angry.

"What a waste of time." Diego starts walking inside, followed by Luther.

Lindsey's turns to them and start transporting thoughts.

Luther turns around. "What did you just say?"

"Who?" Allison asks.

"Her." He points to Lindsey.

"She didn't say anything."

"She said 'Believe me now'." Diego says.

"One of her powers." Five smiles at Lindsey.

"What else can you do?" Luther asks, getting convinced.

"I'm glad you asked." Lindsey smiles back at Five.

She closes her eyes and envisions what she wants to happen.

"Woah. Do you guys see it too?" Klaus asks, pointing out the birds that Lindsey made.

"Oh my-"


"That's amazing."

Lindsey stops the illusion and smiles to herself.

"I have one more."

Lindsey looks at Five.

"You know what to do." Lindsey says.

Five winks and grabs a knife from Diego's pocket. 

"Hey!" Diego shouts.

Five cuts himself on the arm, hissing at the pain.

"What the hell, Five?!" Luther yells.

"And I thought I was crazy." Klaus jokes.

"SHUT UP AND WATCH." Five orders, everyone obeys.

Lindsey puts a hand over the wound and leaves it there for a few seconds. 

"Alright, let's get him to a hospital, now!" Diego orders.

"No need." Five holds up his arm, showing that the wound is gone.

Everyone stares in awe.

"Okay, she can stay." Luther says.

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