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Despite the luxury, Gael couldn't bring herself to think much of the castle of King Ackerley. The masonry and architecture was beautiful, but the massive stone walls were pressing in on her at all times, making her tense and more jumpy than usual. She needed to go back to the sea.

"Well, Captain, have we come to a conclusion?"

The pirate brought her attention back to the man standing before her. Her unease was hidden well, hands folded placidly behind her back and a polite smile on her lips.

"I would say so."

They hadn't, however. She was aware of that much. Perhaps the lady captain was here in peace for now, but as soon as she and her crew struck out once more, they would be attacked by the king's soldiers. Pirates were no friends of the state. Lips still twitching in a hidden grin, she settled her gaze fully on the king, pleased that they were the same height. It made the monarch uneasy, and she reveled in it.

"But how will I know my crew and I won't be attacked? You've given us a guarantee of safety, but nothing to show it by."

The king smiled, though she could easily detect the annoyance under it.

"You're intelligent," he noted. Swaying from the topic. "And speak surprisingly well for a pirate. I wouldn't have expected you to be educated."

She smirked, revealing her teeth. There was no humour in her tone. "Perhaps that's a topic for another time, my Lord."

"Of course. It's a guarantee of your safety you want?"


The man rocked back on his heels, ring-laden fingers interlaced behind his back in a neat mirror of Gael's pose. His gaze flicked up to the intricate painted ceiling, high above their heads, his lips twisted in thought. The he broke out of his reverie and looked back at her.

"I may be able to make you an offer."

She cocked an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"How would you feel about bringing along a guest?"

"I don't understand."

"You're aware of my daughter, yes?"

"The dragonblood princess. What has she got to do with this?"

"I'll send her with you as a sign of good will. Until you reach the northern reaches of Ellay, upon which you will return her to land to be retrieved by soldiers of mine."

"You're offering me your daughter as a hostage?"

The concept was new to her, and Gael wasn't fond of it. Her ship had plenty of rations to make the trip around Ellay with an extra passenger, but the whole plan rubbed her the wrong way. She was no fan of Ackerley, but what sort of man would willingly give away his daughter to enemies?

"Your country is large. She won't be returned to you for a good few weeks, depending on how the weather holds up."

"I'm aware."

She grinned, an icy edge to the expression. "And how can you be sure we won't sell her off as a slave, or throw her overboard?"

He mimicked her smile, though perhaps a touch crueler. "You are here because you're afraid of my army, are you not?"

That shut her up. The implication was obvious. If the princess wasn't returned in good health, she and her crew would be pursued until they were all jailed or hanged.

"You're traveling around the outer reaches of Ellay as it is. I don't see why it would be any trouble to hold on to my daughter for that time."

"Word has it your daughter is powerful. And she's your only heir. Why are you risking her life?"

The king considered her question, a malicious tilt to his lips. Gael resisted a shudder. She did not like this man.

"She has started to slip my control. That's all I'll say on the matter."

Gael couldn't help a dry chuckle. "Your daughter isn't fond of her father, so you send her to stay with some pirates until she learns her lesson?"

His unnerving grey eyes never left hers. "No. Have you forgotten? I'm simply sending her as an expression of good faith and trust."

She tilted back on her heels slightly. She wanted to insult him, tell him how disgusting he was. But she couldn't. Not to a man of his standing. So she shrugged instead. "I don't believe the princess will like your idea."

"I don't believe she'll have a choice."

The words chilled her, but she shook them off. The king was talking again.

"I'll call her in immediately and get her prepared to leave. You may go prepare your ship and crew."

"Very well." She drew herself up straighter, then bowed. "I will see you...?"

"Tomorrow. Early."

"Alright. Tomorrow, my lord."

She turned and stalked from the room.

what's good good good my guys. i have no self control and about thirteen chapters of this written out so i figured i might as well start publishing it lol. i'm not sure how long it's gonna be yet but i've got it plotted out and ready to go so i hope you stick around for the ride! 

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