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Ainsley found herself falling into a sullen silence as the two of them made their way back through the depths of the city, until she was once more in front of the gates she had fled from. Then she mounted one of the provided horses, ignoring the offered help of one of the two male pirates, whatever his name had been. She had ridden plenty of times, though perhaps in different circumstances she would have politely accepted.

Some of the townsfolk watched them ride by in bewilderment, others simply averted their eyes, as they tended to do when nobility came through the streets. This was more and more common in the poorer folk. While Ainsley knew she was generally well-liked among the people, her father tended to rule with a hard hand, and not everyone was fond of him.

The officer, Nathe, had wanted to bind her hands after the escape she had attempted to pull, but the captain hadn't allowed it. It wouldn't have been necessary. Beneath the seething anger Ainsley showed at the surface, she had been completely broken down. No weapons. No dragons. No friends to rely on. It seemed she would simply have to live this out.

At least neither the captain nor the other two pirates made any attempts to talk to her for the rest of the long ride. She couldn't stop herself from glancing at the one in charge, noticing the way she chatted and laughed with her subordinates. The princess wasn't sure what she had expected from pirates, but this wasn't it. They seemed to be having a good time, words light and cheerful in the clear air.

The sun was high in the sky and beginning its descent when the four of them reached the harbour, the sun glittering harshly on the wavelets. There was a ship docked there that she'd never seen—this was the one she would be boarding, Ainsley guessed. It was a brigantine-style craft, somewhat small and made of dark wood, clearly built for speed. Along the sides were hatches, indicating the presence of firepower. The sails were lowered, the ship rocking peacefully with the swells. It really was a beautiful vessel; if her fate wasn't geared so negatively towards it, Ainsley could've appreciated the elegant boat.

The three pirates and their hostage brought their horses to the end of the cobblestone path and dismounted. While the captain pulled aside a young boy and offered him some money to return the horses to their owner, Ainsley stared up at the deck of the ship, heart pounding in her chest. She suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous, though she couldn't tell if that was because of her nerves or because she hadn't eaten anything since this nightmare of a day began.

The small group began towards the wooden pier that stretched out over the water, and Ainsley followed after a moment or two of hesitation. A gangplank was lowered, the two men on the ground hurrying over to brace it steadily against the surface. Ainsley could see the rest of the crew onboard now, figures rushing about on the deck and preparing for departure. Ainsley stared down at the water that lapped at the wooden posts of the pier, suddenly feeling more nauseous than ever. She wanted to take a moment and throw up over the edge and into the sea, but the two men had started up the gangplank and the captain was waiting expectantly at the foot of it. So instead, she forced her trembling legs to carry her up the slanted surface, hearing nothing but the roaring surf and the footsteps of the pirate captain behind her.

Ainsley stepped down onto the deck of the ship, almost instantly wheeling to lean out over the hull, stomach heaving. She couldn't possibly be seasick if they hadn't left yet, this was just her nerves acting up. She swallowed hard, annoyed at herself. She hadn't even eaten anything today.

"Is everything alright?"

Ainsley felt, rather than saw, the captain's presence next to her. At least she had the decency to leave her some space.

"Perfectly so," she growled, straightening and trying to force down the lump in her throat. A hot flash of anger burned through her. Was everything alright? What sort of question was that?

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