The air was heavy, a cloak of humidity and tension that weighed on the man's shoulders as he sat before the scrawny, ancient woman before him.
She was withered with age and her clothes seemed to drip off of her, but her eyes were wise. She watched the man with a steady gaze that never wavered. Something clenched in his chest.
"You are making a mistake, my lord."
Ackerley swallowed.
"Just do your magic, witch."
"I'm no witch. Just a woman who has come into an unfortunate arrangement with too much power."
"Too much for you, perhaps."
Her eyes were like that of a bird of prey, a hunter staring him down even though she was easily half his size. Sitting on the floor on the tiny shack, Ackerley felt a shiver run down his spine.
"The titans do not give freely."
"They gave to you freely."
"Mortals should not have this power."
He leaned forward, growing frustrated. "Then why are there those who are born with it?"
"That is a gift given from the titans. It is not humanity's right to seek it for ourselves—"
"I don't care!" He snarled. Ordinarily, he would've had soldiers with him to cow this infuriating woman into obedience. But he had chosen to do this under the cloak of night and secrecy. "You will give make me a dragonblood, and you will do it now."
Her expression hardened.
"Very well, my lord."
She took his rough hands in her own withered ones, and he was surprised by how weak her grip was. She was aged, but with the fierceness of her stare, he had expected more strength from her. He was beginning to notice now the other imperfections that were not simply a sign of aging—some sort of black rot was growing beneath her fingernails, and deep scars raked her arms. Uncertainty gripped his heart suddenly.
"Wait. This has done something to you, hasn't it? These... false dragonblood abilities?"
"I'm no dragonblood," she replied. "Just one who has gained magic and is paying the price." She blinked, for what might have the first time he had noticed it. "But yes, it is killing me."
"Will it kill me?"
"My lord, I'm not giving you magic, I'm giving you the abilities of your daughter and late wife. What happens after that is only known by the titans."
"But I will become a dragonblood?"
Her eyes searched his.
"You will have control of the beasts, yes."
He sighed. "Very well. Proceed, then."
Her hands grew cold around his as she closed her eyes, releasing him from her scalding gaze. The room around them twisted suddenly, and he blinked, clearing his vision even though he knew it would do no good. It felt as though he was breathing smoke, and everything was getting darker and darker as the smell of sulfur filled the air. Then her hands became burning hot, until he was gasping in pain and trying to pull her away. Her grip now, however, was unbreakable, and her fingers, which he could no longer see in the darkness, felt more like claws in his skin. Liquid fire poured through his veins.
And then everything settled again. Her grip cooled and then released, and Ackerley blinked burning tears from his eyes and looked around. Nothing had changed; everything was still and solid and there was no trace of smoke in the air. But something wriggled suddenly in his chest, as though a living being had grown between his ribs and was now trying to escape. He sucked in a sharp breath of air and clamped his hand to his heart. The woman watched him, looking more tired and sad than before.
"That feeling will pass. I've done all I can for you."
Sure enough, the squirming slowed and then faded, and Ackerley let out a trembling sigh, realizing his fine clothing was drenched in sweat. He got up on shaking legs and tried to regain an air of composure that he couldn't quite get a hold of again.
"Thank you," he said, after a moment of trying to catch his breath. "Your magic is appreciated."
"Please spare your people," she replied, words barely a whisper. He frowned, a line creasing his brows.
She stayed quiet, gaze downcast, hands twisted together in her lap. He wasn't going to get any more from her.
Ackerley waited a moment longer until the silence became unbearable, then let himself out of of the tiny home and into the chilly night air. He felt different, as though there was a power itching his fingertips, begging to be unleashed. Experimentally, he cast out his consciousness, reaching for something else. And he found it.
The mind he touched felt like a raging storm. But it was hidden away behind a wall that he couldn't get past—he could touch it, but not feel it. Dragonbloods were supposed to be able to communicate with dragons and understand their emotions, and he was getting no such response.
But when he envisioned his mind wrapping over the dragon's mind like a blanket, suffocating it and pulling it closer, he realized he didn't need to communicate. He had control. That was all he really wanted.
Ackerley adjusted his cloak over his shoulders and released the grip he held on the dragon. The real work would start tomorrow.
as the title says, here's a little interlude—not quite a real chapter, but it felt like a good place to pause the other story. get ready, it can only go downhill from here ;)

VIOLENT TIDES (gxg - editing)
FantasíaAinsley is a dragonblood princess, powerful but constantly restrained by her duties and her oppressive father, the king of Ellay. When a pirate crew makes a shaky truce with the king and asks for a guarantee of their safe travels around his country...