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Gael hefted a crate into the Finch's hold, dropping it unceremoniously onto Ainsley's old bed. She probably should've cleaned that up by now, but it could wait until after the last of the supplies had been loaded. By the looks of things, all of the new rations and repair equipment would be on the Finch by tonight, and they could leave the next morning.

Gael pushed her hair off of her brow and left the hold, boots loud on the ladder. She stepped into the bright sunlight and stretched her arm behind her back, feeling the muscles strain.

Nathe approached her with a heavy barrel in his arms, navigating his way carefully into the hold before setting it upright. Then he reappeared, picking at a splinter in the pad of his thumb.

"Looks like everything is on schedule," he commented, watching Ed make his way across the deck with a heavy coil of rope looped over his shoulder.

Gael nodded. "We can set sail in the morning."

Nathe left her side again, heading for the stack of crates still waiting on the wooden dock. Gael approached the edge of the hull and stared at the city, fingers tapping idly. It felt as though there was something she was waiting for.

The small dragon Ainsley had used to send a message yesterday fluttered down to land on her shoulder, claws digging in through the fabric of her coat. Gael winced, reaching up to stroke its wings.

"Ouch. Careful there."

The dragon had taken to sticking to Gael's side, choosing to leave the company of its flock for her instead. She didn't understand why, but its presence wasn't unwelcome, even if it scared the ship cat.

"You know Ainsley isn't here, right?" She murmured to it, scratching the rough scales of its cheek. It purred and relaxed into her hand. "No sense in waiting for her."

The creature perked up suddenly, eyes brightening. Gael had to smile. Its excitement seemed almost human, as did its intelligence.

"All I did was say her name."

It lifted off her shoulder with one flap of its wings. Gael watched, amused, as it twirled in a tight circle in midair and then dove in a flash of colour towards a figure on horseback that was making their way towards the Finch at surprising speeds. Gael frowned. Whoever it was, they were heading for the ship with purpose. But a dragon would never approach a stranger like that—

Gael's eyes widened and she fought to keep down the stab of hope in her chest. She ran for the edge of the Finch, practically leaping down onto the dock.

Hoofbeats clattered raucously against the wood as the horse galloped up and was pulled to a sharp halt by its rider. It tossed its head in the air and snorted.

Ainsley dismounted in a single, graceful movement.


Gael's exclamation was cut off by two short, rushed footsteps, and then Ainsley's weight was thrown against her, making her stumble back a step before she caught the smaller princess in her arms. Ainsley's arms were warm around her neck, and Gael's heart seemed to skip for a moment before settling.

"Ainsley, what are you—?"

Ainsley pulled away but kept her hands on Gael's arms for a moment, cutting her off with words of her own.

"May I please stay with you?"

Nothing could've prepared Gael for that.


Ainsley sighed, shoulders slumping. She took her hands away and tucked them into her pockets, looking slightly ashamed by her greeting.

"Luca told me my father only intends to use me to invade Fortra. That's why he wants me back."

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