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"Luca, I saw something yesterday."

Ainsley's statement was serious, breaking away from the mostly excited chatter she and the knight had shared up until this point. They had left the city behind them hours ago by now, the two of them and a small patrol of another soldiers that had been sent to join Luca in escorting her home. The sun was high in the sky and heading westward.


"There was a stable, but bigger than any I've seen before. And barracks and an armoury, all in the process of being built under the Ackerley symbol. Do you know what's going on?"

The young man's jaw tightened slightly and he evaded her gaze, flexing his gloved fingers around the reins of his mount. Ainsley's horse walked next to him.

"Do you remember the Reyngal noble?"

"The one I've been arranged to be married to someday."

"Yes. His family learned that your father allowed you to be taken as a hostage and were upset with the risks he's taken with you. They've removed their son from the marriage deal, and your father isn't happy about it. He's preparing to wage war if they don't reconsider now that he has you back."

Ainsley frowned, the sudden wave of new information barely being processed. She licked her lips, unsure of what to say for a second. "First, my father didn't allow me to do anything. He offered me to the pirates."

Her friend's eyes widened. "What?"

"I can explain that more later. But you didn't answer my question, not really. Why the stable?"

He shifted uncomfortably. "I... do not know."

"Luca." She glared at him. "Don't lie to me."

"I really don't know, Ainsley. If I knew I'd tell you. As far as I know, he's just hoping to renegotiate with the Reyngals. I don't know anything about the... military base you're talking about."

Ainsley was quiet, feeling the weight of her horse shift underneath her with each step. She had no reason not to trust Luca, but she didn't trust her father at all. Knowing him, he was likely lying to his whole court, Luca included.

"Anyways, what was this about him offering you?"

Ainsley felt a familiar surge of hatred that she struggled to push down.

"Gael—the captain, I mean—and her crew were only looking for safe passage while they passed through our waters, so they approached Ackerley to try to strike a deal. And he..." She swallowed. She thought she had come to terms with the betrayal, but it still stung. "He offered to let them have me as a hostage until they reached this coast and then return me."

"Ainsley, why would he do that?"

She could tell he was reluctant to believe her. "Because he thinks I've slipped his control, probably," she replied. "I've refused any suitors he's put forward and the few times he's asked if I would help with my abilities in case of war, my answer has always been no." The man was a warmonger. Ainsley knew if she agreed he wouldn't hesitate to invade every surrounding country.

Luca was quiet, appearing deep in thought. "This is all true?" He asked at last.

"Yes. I thought you would believe me."

"I do believe you, Ainsley, it's just..." He shook his head. "Something's happened to you since you left. You're different."

Ainsley stared between the flicking ears of her mount, unsure of what to say and with an apprehensive feeling in her gut. Luca took it as a sign to continue.

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