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Happy rolled the toothpick between his teeth from one side of his mouth to the other as he waited for the elderly woman behind the huge service desk to notice him. He had been waiting at least five minutes and was growing impatient but refused to show it in any way because the woman looked to be in her late nineties and he didn't want to give her a heart attack. Finally, he quietly cleared his throat, causing her to look up at him. She seemed taken aback for a moment before she coughed and smiled at him.

"Hello there. What can I help you with today, young man?"

Happy almost grinned at her as he rolled the toothpick back across his lips. "Medieval torture techniques."

She seemed surprised for a moment as she grasped her hands in front of her chest, but covered it quickly. "Oh my... yes, of course. If you could wait just a moment." She didn't leave, instead turning to yell over her shoulder. "Lorelei!"

He heard a throat clear from behind a partition then a soft voice yell back. "Yes, Hildie?"

The old woman, who he now assumed was named Hildie, smiled at him before yelling again. "Medieval torture techniques!"

"Historical Reference, Section C, Row F!"

Hildie smiled once more after waiting a moment. When Happy continued to stand there, she sighed. "Lorelei, I believe the gentlemen would like to be shown where all of that is!"

He heard someone muttering as they got nearer to his position in front of the desk. When the person came around the partition, Happy almost dropped the toothpick in his mouth when it dropped open in shock. Coming toward him was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. She was tiny, maybe five foot tall, with a compact little body that he wanted to get to know intimately. She was wearing a tight black skirt and a white button-down blouse with a pair of black heels. She was also wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses over bright green eyes and her auburn hair was pulled back into a sleek bun, leaving him a view of a neck that he wanted to bite. She was the epitome of every man's librarian fantasy and Happy was fucked if he couldn't feel himself breaking out into a sweat in the air-conditioned library.

The woman stopped short when she came abreast of Hildie, her eyes traveling up and down his tall frame, mouth hanging open for a moment before she shut it with a snap. He almost grinned when she swallowed hard and blinked up at him.

"Holy mother of God, you're big!" She covered her face with her hands and what skin he could see was a bright shade of red. "I am so sorry! That was rude of me. Please, follow me."

Happy nodded once and sucked in a breath with a silent groan as she slid between him and the counter to get around, her shoulders brushing against his chest. She smelled like vanilla and caramel, and Happy had never wanted to taste someone as badly as he did her. He shook his head as he started to walk behind her, seeing that they were heading to a set of carpeted stairs. He almost moaned as she climbed the stairs ahead of him, her hips swaying with each step. He wouldn't have been able to take his eyes off of her shapely ass if there had been a gun to his head.

He sighed with relief when they reached the top of the stairs and she turned to the left, leaving him to follow her. She turned once to look over her shoulder at him, causing him to have to lift his eyes from her behind to her face. "You said medieval torture techniques, correct?" When he nodded, she turned down another aisle of floor-to-ceiling bookcases. "I think what you need is right over here."

Happy smirked to himself, thinking that he wanted to tell her that what he needed was right in front of him but he refrained as she came to a stop in front of a bookcase in the middle of an aisle. She was looking up at a row of books as Happy stepped up close behind her, hoping to get another whiff of whatever scent she was wearing. He felt like a teenager with his first crush but he couldn't help himself. 

Lorelei pointed up, turning to give him a questioning look. "I can't quite reach. Could you grab that book right there?"

Happy took a step closer, his chest brushing against her back as he reached up for the book in question and caged her in between his body and the wooden shelves. He grinned when he thought he heard her whimper as he brought his arm down, the book firmly in hand.

"Do... do you have a library card?" When Happy shook his head, she nodded hers and cleared her throat. "Well, we'll get you one so you can check this out." She tapped the front of the book with one long, burgundy-painted nail. "If you like this one, we also have one on The Inquisition that you might enjoy."

Happy just nodded and followed her back downstairs where she set him up with Hildie to get a card and check out the book. By the time he was finished, she was nowhere to be found, but that didn't bother him a bit. He grinned as he strode for the front door. He knew where she was. She could only hide from him so long before he caught up to her.


Lorelei was sitting at her desk fanning herself with a file folder when Hildie walked behind the partition and chuckled. The younger woman pointed a finger at her elder.

"Laugh all you want, but I know you're not so old that you didn't notice that he was built like a brick shithouse."

Hildie laughed harder as she nodded. "Oh honey, I noticed. And his voice... he has the deep raspy voice from years of smoking and alcohol consumption. It was yummy."

Lorelei frowned. "He didn't speak the entire time he was with me. Just nodded or shook his head."

Hildie winked. "Well, take my word for it. Yummy."

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