Mamas Know Best

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Happy strode into the Bakersfield Long-Term Care Facility like he owned the place. As he took off his sunglasses, he nodded to the receptionist but didn't stop for directions. He knew where he could find his mother at that time of the day and besides that, the young woman at the desk liked to flirt with him every time he came in. Ordinarily, that wouldn't bother him, but since Lori, he didn't really even like talking to other women.

He stopped in the doorway of the sunroom and grinned when he saw the familiar figure of his mother sitting in the sun coming through the window and knitting. He walked on quiet feet to her side and leaned down, kissing her on the cheek as she jumped in surprise. He chuckled as he sat in the chair beside her.

"Hey, mom. You're looking good."

His mother grinned and nodded. "I'm feeling good too. Why are you here? It isn't time for you to visit just yet."

He cocked a brow. "I can't just come to see my mother without having a reason?" When she continued to look at him, he grinned and nodded. "Okay, okay. I met this woman and I... "

She frowned, looking around. "And you didn't bring her to meet me?"

Happy shook his head as he took a toothpick out of his kutte and stuck it in his mouth. "Nah, she was... she wasn't available." He grinned then, nodding. "You're going to love her though, ma. She's beautiful with this auburn hair that looks like it has gold in it when the sun hits it a certain way and her eyes are this bright green that just lights up when she smiles. And when she smiles... fuck me if I don't want to make her smile all of the time."

His mother reached over and smacked him on the knee before shaking a finger at him. "Language, mijo! You love this woman, si?"

Happy shook his head. "I don't know."

His mother smiled and nodded. "You do, trust me. You've never talked about a woman like this before."

Happy looked at his mom then down at his hands clasped tightly in his lap. "We were good for a while, then... some shit went down and I lost my own shit. Now, she isn't talking to me and I'm not talking to her... I fucked it up, big time."

His mother shook her head. "Language!" When Happy just shrugged, his mom eyed him. "If you messed things up then you need to fix them, mijo. Be a man about it."

Happy shook his head. "I don't know if it's fixable. I said some sh... stuff that I'm not sure that I can take back. Lorelei may not forgive me."

His mom reached out and patted him on the cheek with a knowing smile on her face. "Lorelei? Sounds like a mermaid." She nodded. "If she loves you too, then it's fixable."

Happy just nodded before changing the subject to what she was knitting. They spent a few hours just talking and laughing before he headed back to Charming.


When Lorelei turned into her drive that evening, she frowned when she saw a black SUV parked in front of her house. As she pulled up and parked, she saw Gemma Teller get out and smile at her. She sighed as she got out of her car and slammed the door, quirking a brow at the SAMCRO matriarch.

"What are you doing here? How did you find out where I live?"

Gemma smirked as she lit a cigarette and shrugged. "You're sounding awfully suspicious. Can't I just come to see a new friend? Perhaps have a cup of coffee and chat?"

Lorelei grinned and shook her head. "Still didn't answer how you knew where I lived." 

She walked up on the porch and unlocked the door as Gemma followed behind her. They walked to the kitchen where Lorelei put on a pot of coffee and sat down at the kitchen table across from Gemma. 

"I had Juice run your name. It took him about five minutes to find your driver's license and your address."

Lorelei nodded as she stood back up to grab two coffee mugs from the cabinet. "So why are you really here?"

Gemma grinned as she took the cup of coffee from Lorelei. "I'm here because I'm tired of watching Happy mope around the clubhouse. You two need to handle your shit. You're going to have to be in contact with each other once in a while, so you might as well get along."

Lorelei shook her head. "I'm not the one that ended things, he is. All because he was worried about my safety? Come on, that doesn't add up."

Gemma chuckled. "Nah, it doesn't add up because it wasn't just that. He loves you and he was blindsided. Sure, part of it was the fact that if you do ever get caught, you're looking at jail time, but it was also because he didn't know that side of you. Tig knew something about the woman he was sleeping with that he didn't and it pissed him off." She leaned forward and put a hand on Lorelei's arm. "Baby, you have to tell him everything. These men, they have to trust the woman they're with, and right now, he doesn't know if he can trust you, especially if you keep things from him."

Lorelei sighed and nodded. "I know and I get it, but Gemma, for me to fix that, he has to be speaking to me, and he isn't."

Gemma winked at her. "He'll come around" She smirked as she leaned closer. "Now, I have a question that has been killing me." When Lorelei tilted her head in question, Gemma's smile widened. "What do you do with the bodies once you take them away?"

Lorelei chuckled and shook her head. "Well, if I'm giving up my secrets, I might as well start now." She stood up and motioned for Gemma to follow her. "Come on, I'll show you."

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