The Hustle

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When Happy got back to the dorm, Lorelei was dressed and had made the bed and was currently putting her shoes on. He handed her a cup of coffee before tilting her head up so that he could look her in the eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Lorelei smiled and shook her head. "Nothing."

He stared at her for another minute, almost like he was trying to see into her soul. "We're good?"

She leaned up and gave him a kiss. "Yes, we're good but I need to head back to the library."

He nodded as he took a sip of his own coffee. "Well, I have church, but Gem's here and said that she would get you back to your car." She nodded as she sat the cup down and headed for the door. "Little girl." When she turned to him, he winked. "I'll call you."

Lorelei just nodded as she opened the door and walked out, closing it behind her. She took a deep breath as she walked down the hall. When she reached the main room, she saw Gemma sitting at the bar with a cigarette in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. She smiled when she saw Lorelei.

"Morning, sweetheart. Hap said you might need a ride."

Lorelei rolled her eyes and grinned. "Yeah, although this feels a little like a brush off the morning after."

Gemma chuckled and nodded as she grabbed her purse and hopped down from her barstool. "I bet it does, but I promise that's not what it is. He's just busy this morning. The club has some shit to handle." She threw an arm around Lorelei's shoulders as they walked toward the door. "You'll have to get used to it. Being an old lady isn't the most ideal thing a lot of the time but if you stick with me, it'll be a lot easier."

Lorelei looked at her with wide eyes and shook her head. "I'm not his old lady."

Gemma snorted and nodded. "Of course, you're not." When they got into her Escalade and she started the engine, she turned to Lorelei with a brow raised. "You love him, right?"

Lorelei squirmed a little in her seat, trying to avoid the other woman's direct stare. "Well, yeah but it's not that simple."

Gemma nodded as she straightened up and put the SUV in gear. "Of course, it is sweetheart. You love him, he loves you, although he probably hasn't even admitted that to himself yet, so you are, in fact, his old lady." She eyed Lorelei from the corner of her eye before continuing. "You're gonna have to tell him. Honesty is best with a man like Happy."

Lorelei frowned and looked at her. "Tell him what?"

Gemma shook her head as she turned onto Main Street. "That you're the cleaner." She chuckled at the look of shock on Lorelei's face. "Clay knew. Tig and Chibs told him a long time ago, but he told me last night because he was shocked when he actually met you and saw how little you are." She shook her head. "You have to tell Hap. He needs to know what his old lady is up to when she isn't with him."

Lorelei sighed as she shook her head. "He'll be so mad, and he'll probably want me to stop doing it, and I need the extra money that the club pays for my services."

Gemma looked at her as she pulled up beside Lorelei's car and parked. "Yeah, he's gonna be pissed, mostly because Tig knew something he didn't, but he'll get over it. You're right though. He might want you to quit, but would that be so bad? What do you need the money for? You got a habit or do you owe money to someone we don't know about?"

Lorelei shook her head. "No, nothing like that. It's... it's personal." She opened her door and hopped down, looking back at Gemma with a small smile. "I appreciate the ride."

Gemma nodded and smiled at her. "It was no problem, sweetheart. I hope I see you around the club more often."

Lorelei just smiled before shutting the door of the SUV and walking to her car. She supposed that it would be up to Happy whether she was around the clubhouse.


"Three bodies?!"

Tig winced as Lorelei stood in front of him with her hands on her hips, glaring down at the three men laying on the tarp.

"What can I say? Your old man got a little carried away this evening."

Lorelei sighed as she bent to her duffel bag at her feet. "I'm going to be here all night. Again." She pointed a finger up at her best friend. "I sure as hell hope I'm getting paid triple. I'm going to have to go for a couple more barrels before I start."

Tig nodded quickly, not wanting to stay on her bad side. "Yeah, as a matter of fact, Clay said to pay you extra for the inconvenience."

Before she could say anything, the door to the shed opened and Happy walked through, patting his pockets. "Hey, Tig, have you seen my phone? I... " He lifted his head and stared in shock at an equally shocked Lorelei before a look of fury took over his face. "Anyone care to explain to me why my fucking old lady is here standing over the three bodies that we delivered here an hour ago?"

Tig took a step to bring himself between Happy and Lorelei as he put a hand out. "Look, man, it's not what it looks like."

Lorelei pushed him to the side and shook her head. "No, it's exactly what it looks like." She took a deep breath as she looked Happy in the eyes. "I'm the cleaner for the club."

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