Warning Label

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Lorelei turned around in a slow circle, surveying the room that she was standing in. She had driven to the address that Tig had given her, finding herself at a small cabin on the bank of a fishing lake. Beside the cabin was a smaller shed and that was where she was right then as Tig was talking and she was gawking.

"Yeah, so you don't have to really clean anything, just removal will do. Happy thinks that the dried blood and other... shit, will scare the next person that ends up here even more."

Lorelei smirked and nodded. "Adds to the ambiance, is that it?" She looked down at the body laying on the floor between herself and Tig and shook her head. "I have to say, the man is an artist. Look at those burn patterns. They're a thing of beauty."

Tig muttered something under his breath before pointing a finger at her. "Just don't start. I get the heebie-jeebies when you talk like that. A woman that looks like you shouldn't know that much about this shit."

She shook her head and laughed at her best friend. "Relax, Tiggy. I took Forensic Science in college, remember? I am allowed to appreciate the work of a Master."

Tig snorted. "Yeah, whatever, but the Master is starting to get curious about the cleaner. Wants to know how the bodies are disposed of and shit. I can't tell him what I don't know, babe."

Lorelei shrugged as she reached into the case at her feet and drew out a surgical saw. "You don't need to know and neither does he. It's taken care of and that's all that anyone needs to know. It's your job to keep him from being too curious."

Tig shook his head. "You don't know Happy, doll. He's like a dog with a bone once he gets something in his head."

Lorelei rolled her eyes. "Don't I know it? That man needs to come with a warning label."

Tig winked at her. "Is he starting to get to you Lei? That would be a first."

She shook her head. "Nope, I'm not going to allow that to happen. I don't have time for men in my life, especially not one that looks like he could kill me."

Tig frowned as he shook his head. "Nah, Happy wouldn't hurt you, Lei, let alone kill you."

She chuckled. "That's not the kind of death I meant, Tig. Can a woman die from too many orgasms?" She shrugged. "I should Google that when I get home."

Tig stuck his fingers in his ears and glared at her. "I don't want to hear about your sex life, especially one that might include my brother!"

Lorelei threw her head back and laughed before pointing to the door. "Well, that's good, because there isn't one to hear about. Now, get lost, will ya? I got work to do here so I can go home and get ready for my real job tomorrow."

Tig nodded as he stepped to the door of the shed. "Ok, but text me when you get home okay? You live on the other side of town and it's late."

She blew him a kiss and nodded as he stepped out into the dark night, closing the door behind him. If he would have looked toward the treeline, he would have seen the end of a cigarette glowing red in the darkness.


Happy strode into the clubhouse and barked at Half-Sack to get him a beer. He was in a foul mood because his plan hadn't worked. He'd pretended to leave the cabin earlier then doubled back and hid in the tree line nearest the shed so he could get a look at the cleaner that Tig and Chibs used, but the guy had come out of the shed dressed in a hazmat suit and he hadn't been able to get a close look.

The only thing he'd been able to learn was that the person was small for a full-grown man, though they had handled the barrel they were pushing on a dolly easily enough. It had been full-on dark by the time the man was finished loading everything in the back of his truck and had removed the suit, so Happy hadn't been able to see him at all and the way the truck had been parked, even the interior light hadn't helped him.

He was pissed because his plan hadn't worked out, but something was niggling at him. There was just something that didn't add up and he wasn't going to be satisfied until he knew who the cleaner was and what they did with the bodies they disposed of for the club. He did have to admit that the person was good at what they did because once the truck's taillights had disappeared in the distance, Happy had taken a look inside the shed, finding it exactly how he had told Tig that he wanted it.

The only blood he could find was on the walls like he'd instructed. Even his tools and implements were cleaned and arranged in a neat fashion. He nodded to Half-Sack when he brought him his beer, taking a sip and deciding that he would just have to be sneakier next time. He would find out what he wanted to know.


Tig took his shot then leaned his cue stick against the pool table as his phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out of his pocket and flipped it open, cursing under his breath when he saw the text from Lei.

I'm safe and sound at home, but I'm pretty sure I had company at the shed. I could smell cigarette smoke when I came out. Happy wouldn't smoke by any chance? If so, get him off my ass!

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