Girls Like You

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Tig grinned when Happy walked into the clubhouse with a book under his arm. He gestured to it. "I see that you found the library with no problem."

Happy nodded as he walked over and laid the book on the bar before grabbing a beer from the fridge. "Yup. You didn't tell me how hot the librarian was."

Tig chuckled, shaking his head. "Yeah, she's something but don't waste your time, man. She doesn't do casual." He stroked his goatee. "Come to think of it, I've known Lei for years and I don't think she even dates."

Juice shrugged from his position beside Tig. "Maybe she's a lesbian."

Tig groaned and shook his head. "Don't, man. Don't put that mental picture in my head. I'll get no sleep tonight."

Juice chuckled as Happy shrugged. "I've never had a problem getting a woman that I wanted. I don't think she'll be much different."

Tig shook his head, giving Happy a serious look. "Don't fuck with her, brother. She's a friend, and I'll take it personally. Got me?" Happy nodded and slapped him on the back before picking up the book and his beer and heading toward the dorms. Tig snapped his fingers. "Shit! Hap, we got a job here in a bit, ok?"

When Happy nodded, Tig picked up his phone and flipped it open, finding the contact that he wanted and typing out a text.

Will probably need you tonight.

He didn't have long to wait before his phone buzzed. 

You know where to find me.

Tig grinned and nodded to himself as he flipped his phone shut again and took a sip of his beer.


Lorelei looked around the room she was standing in before she turned to the man beside her. "Cleaning or torching?"

Tig winced. "This is one of Chibs' properties, so cleaning."

Lorelei tapped the envelope in her hand. "This includes the rate for removal and sanitation?"

Tig grinned and nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

Lorelei chuckled and shooed him toward the door. "Okay, get out of my way."

Tig chuckled before bending to kiss her on the cheek. "You sure you don't need help with this one?"

She shook her head and he nodded before heading for the front door, shouting behind himself as he went. "Tomorrow is meatloaf night at the diner!"

She nodded to herself before yelling after him. "Meet you at six?"

"It's a date!"

She grinned and sighed before walking into the entry where she had left her duffel bag. As she put her earbuds in her ears and pulled the hazmat suit out, she began her mental checklist for the job ahead.


The next afternoon, Happy shook his head as he watched Tig tighten a bolt on the car he was repairing. "I don't get it, man. Last night, you had me leave and cleaned up by yourself. You should have taken the help I offered."

Chibs chuckled from where he was leaning against the workbench. "He didn't do it himself, Hap. We have a cleaner. For a decent fee, they come in and clean up our messes for us."

Happy stared at the Scot like he was speaking a different language. Finally, he shook his head. "And you trust this person not to rat on you?"

Tig snorted and nodded. "With my fucking life, man." He looked at Chibs. "What time is it?"

Chibs checked his watch. "Right at four o'clock."

Tig nodded before throwing the socket wrench onto the work table. "Shit, I need to jump in the shower. I got someplace to be in a little while."


"So how's the library gig going?"

Lorelei shook her head and chuckled. "It's not a gig, Tig. It's my job, and it's going fine."

Tig just nodded as he chewed his food, waiting until he was done to speak. "So I heard you met one of my brothers the other day." When she frowned, he grinned. "Happy Lowman. Tall dude, tattoos everywhere?"

He watched as realization dawned on her face. "I should have known, but he wasn't wearing a kutte like yours."

He shrugged. "We're patching him in tomorrow night. He's down from Tacoma." He grinned as she nodded. "He showed an interest in the librarian that helped him." He snickered when she blushed and covered her face. "I see that you like him too. Interesting."

She shook her head. "No, not interesting. I don't have time for men, Tig, and you know this. Just because the insane side of me wants to climb him like a tree doesn't mean that the sane side would let that happen, so stay out of it."

Tig held up his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, I just thought you two might get along, that's all."

Lorelei shook her head. "Yeah, well... just don't." She pointed a finger at him. "And don't forget the rule. Only you and Chibs are allowed to know who I am and what I do for the club."

Tig nodded as he stood up and threw some money on the tabletop. "Understood." He leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. "You know how the parties at the clubhouse work, maybe you could stop by, welcome him to the fold." He grinned when she growled at him. "Open invitation, babe."

Lorelei chuckled and shook her head. "Yeah, thanks but no thanks."

She watched him walk out before letting her head drop into her hands. Tig didn't know it, but she'd done nothing but think about the tall, good-looking man. She may have gotten her work ethic from her dad, but she'd definitely gotten her love of bad boys from her mother. As she got up and walked out to her car, she thought that even in a town as small as Charming, it shouldn't be that hard to stay off of his radar. She'd just lay low until Happy Lowman lost interest.

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