With Friends Like These

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Gemma walked out of the office and across the lot to where Clay was standing with Jax, Tig, and Happy. When she reached them, she leaned in to give him a kiss.

"I've got somewhere to be. I'll be gone a couple of hours but Chuckie's watching the phones."

Clay nodded as he gave her a hug. "Where ya going?"

Gemma grinned and winked at him. "Old lady business."

He nodded with a grin and she hurried to her SUV. Happy looked at Jax who then looked at Clay with a frown on his face. "What's old lady business?"

Clay shrugged. "It could be anything. I've learned over the years not to ask." The other two men nod as he lit a cigar. "Look, I need you three to go talk to Unser about this hijacking then go talk to Unser's truck driver. He's in St. Thomas. See what you can get out of him, okay?"

Jax, Tig, and Happy nodded before heading for their bikes to take off to the hospital as Clay strolled over to the garage to see how work was going.


Gemma walked into the library, smiling at Hildie as the old woman laughed. "Gemma Teller! I haven't seen you in years!"

Gemma chuckled and nodded as she adjusted her purse on her shoulder. "I know. How are ya Hildie?"

"I'm as good as ever, I suppose." Lorelei came striding out of her office as Hildie turned to her. "I suppose you're here for Lorelei?"

The younger woman smiled at Hildie and Gemma. "Yes, she is. I won't be gone long, but Henry's in the back if you need anything, okay?"

Hildie nodded and soon Gemma and Lorelei were in Gemma's Escalade headed to St. Thomas. Gemma looked over at the fidgeting woman and shook her head. "Sweetheart, you need to calm down. Tara's gonna meet us and do the test for you."

Lorelei shook her head before looking at Gemma with tears in her eyes. "I can't be pregnant, Gemma. I just can't."

Gemma sighed and gave her an understanding look. "Would it be so bad? Don't you think Happy would be a good father?"

Lorelei shook her head. "No, I think he'd be a great father. It's not that... he'd make me quit my work for the club if I was and I can't afford to do that."

Gemma shook her head as she turned into the visitor parking for the hospital. "One of these days you're going to have to tell me what it is that prevents you from retiring."

Lorelei simply nodded as they walked into the hospital and quickly found Tara on the neonatal floor. After a quick exam and peeing in a cup, Gemma was holding Lorelei's hands in hers when Tara walked back into the room with a small smile on her face. 

"You're not pregnant, Lorelei. Sometimes stress can delay your period and give you a false positive reading on the stick tests."

Lorelei let out the breath she'd been holding and sagged against a chuckling Gemma. "Oh thank god! Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind being a mom but now is not the time."

Tara nodded understandingly. "Well, you need to take better care of yourself. Get more rest, eat better, the usual. Some multivitamins probably wouldn't hurt either." She grinned at the two women as they stood up. "Come on, I'll walk you out. I need to stretch my legs."


As Happy, Jax, and Tig walked into the hospital, Happy stopped short as he spotted the three women walking toward them. He elbowed Tig who nodded to Jax. Happy couldn't focus on anything but Lorelei as Jax stepped up and hugged first Tara then his mother. She looked gorgeous although a little tired. He finally tuned into the conversation when he heard Jax ask his mom if she was sick.

"No, I'm fine."

Happy looked at Lorelei with a frown. "Are you sick then?"

Lorelei shook her head as Tara put a hand on her arm and grinned. "No, nobody's sick. They just stopped by to see me, that's all."

Tig lifted a brow as he looked from one woman to the next. "You two left work just to come see Tara... at work."

Gemma nodded and smiled. "Yeah, and now we're done. See ya, guys."

Tara kissed Jax again and told him that she was needed on the neonatal floor, leaving the three men staring at each other. Finally, Happy shook his head. "They're all lying."

Tig nodded in agreement, pulling out his burner and punching a number. "I got this handled. Hold on."

Happy looked at him. "Who are you texting?"

Tig shrugged. "Lei. She wouldn't lie to me."

They were just stepping off the elevator on the truck driver's floor when Tig's phone went off. He looked and nodded before looking at the other two men. "That makes sense. She forgot to get her birth control filled and Tara took care of it for her."

Happy stared at the other man for a moment before shaking his head. "And you believe that?"

Tig shrugged. "Yeah. She wouldn't lie to me."

Happy chuckled and shook his head again. "Yeah, she would, because you're with me. She's still hiding shit from me and we aren't even together!"

Happy turned to stride down the hall, leaving his two brothers looking after him. Jax blew out a breath and shook his head as he looked at Tig.

"This shit has got to stop. He's all twisted up and he isn't thinking clearly. That isn't good on a normal person, but with Hap? That's catastrophic."

Tig nodded and threw an arm around Jax's shoulders as they followed the pissed off enforcer down the hall. "Don't worry. I have an idea to get this shit over with once and for all."

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