The Iron Maiden

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One Week Later

Tig looked up when Happy came walking out of the dorms with a book under his arm. 

"You finish that already?"

Happy nodded as he stopped beside him. "Yeah, Lori said she had one on the Spanish Inquisition, so I'm gonna go check it out."

Tig lifted a brow at the nickname as Chibs chuckled. "Aye, that's why yer going."

Tig snorted as Happy leveled Chibs with a deadpan look, the ever-present toothpick sliding from one side of his mouth to the other. "Never hurts to learn something new."

Chibs just nodded with a grin as Tig shook his head and chuckled. They watched as the club enforcer walked out of the clubhouse before looking at each other. Chibs shook his head.

"I'm assuming that he doesn't know who Lorelei is yet."

Tig shook his head. "Nope, and she doesn't want him to know."

Chibs sighed and looked at his brother. "He's gonna find out and when he does, he's gonna be pissed that we didn't tell him."

Tig shrugged. "I know that as well as you do, but you know how Lei is. She's stubborn about the way that she does things." He snickered. "I bet she looks like shit this morning. She texted me that she didn't get home until seven and had to be at work at nine. You know he's going to notice."

Chibs shook his head. "Well, it's her own fault for giving him that bloody book. He was practicing and she got to clean up after him."

Tig nodded in agreement. "The man does enjoy his work."


Happy walked into the library, his serious face breaking into a small smile when he saw Hildie behind the counter once again. He almost laughed out loud when she fluttered her eyelashes at him and smiled like a teenager.

"Well, good morning, handsome. Finish that book already?"

Happy stopped himself from rolling his eyes at the elderly woman. He didn't know why, but everyone seemed to be implying that he was stupid or something. Instead of remarking on it, he simply nodded and laid the book on the counter.

"Lorelei said she had one on the Spanish Inquisition I needed to see."

Hildie shivered and nodded. "Well, if we do, she'd be the one to know. She makes me shudder sometimes when she talks about that kind of stuff." She turned her head like last time and yelled. "Lorelei!"

Happy's interest in Lori bumped up another couple of notches at that. Not only was she beautiful, but they also had something in common. His day was getting better and better. He heard rustling then saw the object of his new affection walk his way. He frowned when he saw the dark circles under her eyes and the listless way she walked. She did smile when she saw him, drawing a nod out of him as he silently appreciated the bright red wrap dress that she was wearing.

"Hi! You ready for that other book?"

Another nod from him and she was walking around the counter, again passing dangerously close to his tall frame as she moved to once again lead the way up the flight of stairs. His mind and eyes instantly went to her ass as she walked in front of him, and he drove himself crazy wondering if she were wearing underwear under that skirt.

"The other book was pretty great, but I think you'll get a kick out of the inventiveness of the Spanish. They really upped their game with the Inquisition."

He just grunted in agreement as they reached the second floor and she once again veered to the left. He noticed that they were more than likely alone on this level and he grinned when he wondered if he had a chance in hell of taking her up against the tall bookshelves. He shook his head at his own thoughts before clearing his throat. "What was your favorite?"

She turned to look at him. "You mean from the medieval time period?" When he nodded, she tapped her chin with one slender finger in thought. "I would have to say the rack, but you can't beat the saw for gruesomeness and drawing out the agony of the accused." He was wondering to himself if it was too soon to ask her to marry him when she spoke again. "What was yours?"

"The Iron Maiden."

She shook her head in mock disappointment before grinning up at him. "It's too fast. Once you shut the doors, the fun is over." She turned to walk down the aisle and he caught a whiff of her scent again, making his mouth water. "Once you read this next book, you'll have to tell me what you think my favorite was."

As before, she pointed to a book that was about a foot too far up for her to reach. This time, he put a hand on her waist as he stepped up behind her, letting his chest meet her back as he reached up for the book. He grinned when he heard her breath catch in her throat so he leaned in to speak quietly into her ear, letting his breath blow against her neck as the hand on her waist wrapped around her to suddenly pull her back into him. "I bet your favorite is the one that takes the longest. You like to draw it out, don't you little girl? Make the other person beg for mercy?"

Her hand came down on top of his and he thought she was going to push him away until he heard the low chuckle coming from her throat. "Well, what fun is it if there isn't a little begging and screaming?"

Happy's eyes closed as his hand tightened on her waist for a moment before loosening again. The tight hold he had on his self-control was about to snap if he didn't step back from her but he couldn't resist letting his tongue run down her neck once before he spoke low in her ear once again. "I agree completely and I have no doubt that my name is going to sound rapturous coming from your lips as you scream for me." He stepped back with the book still in hand, smirking as he turned to walk to the stairs. "I'll see you soon, Lori."

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