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I could feel his fingertips burning on my skin. All he wanted was to destroy me and yet, I knew he already had. "You are mine now Honey"

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April 25th
Finishing up the files, I look to the door as I hear voices from the main entrance. Angela comes in and strolls over to me "a man's here to see you." I furrow my eyebrows and then my eyes widen and I shake my head "uh no. No. I don't want to see him" I say and I quickly pack my things and she looks to me concerned.

I feel myself already shaking. He knows where I work? He had to have followed me. What the fuck is his deal? I am sick of his games.

I already know what she's about to ask and I shake my head "I am fine. He's a.....friend. I don't want to see him" I say and I quickly go out the other door and down the hall. Taking the back door, I go down the alley. Quickly walking down the street, I head into a cafe around the corner.

Taking a seat in the back table, I watch as a waitress makes her way over. "Is there anything I can get you?" she asks and I shake my head "uh no. But do you have a bathroom?" I ask and she nods, pointing to the back.

Making my way into the bathroom, I shut and lock the door. Going to the sink, my hands tremble as I splash some water onto my face. Get it together, I tell myself.

Quickly, I turn to the door as the handle jiggles. But thankfully the person leaves. Taking deep breathes, I grab my bag and head for the door. Opening it, I walk out. And I gasp as I see him sitting at the table I just once was at. Fuck.

He stares at me dead in the eye as he sits back in his chair. Slowly, I walk over and sit. Suddenly, I feel the need to vomit.

"Now why would you try and run from me?" he says in this low voice. I shake my head "I-I didn't I-" he holds up his hand and leans forward. "Honey, I don't think you understand where I am coming from. You see, I know more than you think" he says and I stand up quickly.

"You leave me the fuck alone!" I shout and everyone is now staring and a silence has sliced the air. He looks around and then stands "it isn't the last you will see of me" he says as he leaves.

A lady comes over and puts a hand on my back. "Are you okay?" she asks and I shake my head. "Mr. Styles can be a handful" she says and I look to her. "You know him?" I ask and she nods. "He use to come in a lot" she says and walks away as if it were normal.

Without any thought, I head out onto the street and it is barely even light out. Walking, I look back and I look up at the sky as it starts to rain. The bus stop is just a few blocks away. I can walk, it isn't that far.

As I put my hood over my head, I look back to see a person walking behind me but from a great distance away. And I already know without a doubt that it is him. Adrenaline kicks in and I start to run. I look back to see him running after me, he is gaining up on me. But I push to run faster.

All I could hear was the sound of my feet hitting the pavement, my heart thumping out of my chest and my heavy breathing. My lungs were failing me but I couldn't stop. I kept running.

The rain has started to come down harder than it was and my whole body and clothes were soaked. I could feel my hair stick to my face as the wind picked up. The street lights illuminated on the pavement and no one was out on the streets. Rounding the corner, I get yanked to the ground. I knew I couldn't get away. Even if I tried.

Looking up at him, I try to shove and kick but I get picked up and pinned against the wall. His hairs sticking to his forehead and he is just as soaked as I am.

His eyes are so dark, almost black even. "Please! I am sorry! Let me go!" I yell and his hand immediately finds its way around my neck. "Oh Celeste. You drive me crazy" he says and his face gets closer to mine and I squeeze my eyes shut.

I could feel his hand let go as his fingertips lightly graze my cheek "so beautiful" he says and my eyes flutter open to see him staring but I am at a loss as he pulls back. "We aren't finished here. I will see you very soon Honey." And with that he is walking away.

I stand there what seemed to be minutes, collecting my thoughts and trying to piece all of this together.

When I arrive home and dry off, I am immediately taken back when I see a request from him on Instagram. I hadn't even known his name until now.

Harry styles.
Harry Styles has requested to follow you. 

Harry is his name. Sitting down on the couch, it takes me a while to actually figure out just what is going on here. It isn't as if he tries to hurt me. He seems to be pyschotic?
Insane? I'm not sure.

I could see he has 5 posts and 230 followers and he is only following 156.

His profile picture is a old one of himself when he was younger. Scratching my head, I click follow back. And suddenly his page pops up before my eyes.

It has some sort of aesthetic to it. There's only about three pictures of himself. And I can tell you he looks, angelic. The others are of his surroundings. The one is with some girl, who I am guessing is his sister?

He hasn't posted on it since almost two years ago. I close out of it and I sit back.

As I get ready for bed, I throw on some shorts and a tank top and I lay down. I stare at the ceiling unable to sleep. My mind races with the thoughts about him. Suddenly I hear noises come from down the hall.

Quietly I make my way into the hallway and I slowly creep into the living room and I turn on the light looking around. I see nothing out of the ordinary. As I turn around I gasp to see Harry right in front of me. Quickly, he pins me up against the wall.

"We meet again" he says almost in a whisper. His eyes staring into mine.

I am fucked. 

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