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It wasn't until a week later that I saw him on the bus. His green eyes on me, never leaving my sight. Glancing back every now and then, I could see he is in his usual spot in the back. The grey hoodie he wears has 'DAMN' sprawled acrossed it.

Constantly through the week, I would always find myself looking around for him. Sometimes I would see him on the bus, but not once did he follow me. Until today.

My gaze stays forward as the bus pulls over at my stop. Quickly, I sling my bag over my shoulder as I exit the bus. Looking back, I could see Harry moving down the aisle to get off. I gasp and I start walking quickly towards my building. It doesn't help on this particular day, I decided to wear heels. The clicking of my heels gives me away. Quickly, I take them off as I sprint to my apartment building.

"Celeste!" Harry yells and I look down the street to see him full on running towards me. I could feel my body go in full panic mode as I try to retrieve my keys. Quickly locating the key needed to get in, I quickly shove the door open after struggling with the lock. I push the door shut and I could see through the little panel of windows in a split second, Harry is sprinting up the stairs and jiggling the knob. His face is seen staring back at me. "Open the door" he says "please" he pleads. Shaking my head, "no Harry. Go away!" I shout.

"Look, I am sorry!" he shouts louder "I just really don't mean to be that way" he says. Staring at him through the door, I could see the sweat prominent on his forehead. His lips in a frown and his hair is sticking everywhere. "Celeste. Open the door" he says more serious as he starts to violently pull on the door.

Backing away, I quickly go down the hall to my apartment door. Pounding could be heard from the door. Looking towards it, I could hear him shouting and tugging at it.  "CELESTE!!!! YOU ARE SO FUCKING SCREWED!! YOU ARE GOING TO FUCKING REGRET THIS!! YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!" he yells.

Unlocking the door, my movements are quick as I close the door, locking it as I lean my back against it. Dropping my shoes, I let out a long breath. He can't keep doing this. I am considering getting a restraining order against him.

Going to the couch, I take off my bra and toss it to the side as I fall back onto the couch. Putting my arm over my eyes, I try to picture a world where Harry isn't a psychopath. Where he would take me out and treat me nicely. Some fantasy I have there.

I abruptly shoot up when I hear a loud knock at the door. Realizing I had fallen asleep, I check the time seeing only a hour had passed. Slowly, I head to the door to only hear yet another knock, but much louder. Looking through the peep hole, I could see Harry standing at the door.

"Celeste. I know you're there. I just want to talk!" he shouts and I press my hands firmly against it as if he were to break it down any second. Another knock is followed but it goes quiet. Peaking through the hole, I see no one there.

After what felt like minutes, listening for movement and met by silence, I unlock the door and open it just enough to poke my head out. I am shocked and almost taken back when I see Harry sitting on the floor, against the wall on his phone. His gaze never leaves his phone and I begin to think it's a set up.

I stare at him as I take in his side profile. The way his hair is cascaded down in front of his forehead and the way the pants he is wearing looks good on him. I take note of the dirty vans he is wearing. As if he doesn't care about his appearance. I notice that he has changed his clothes.

Stepping into the hallway, I slowly step in front of him. "Harry?" I say unsure if I should even be doing this. In the back of my mind I know I shouldn't.

"Harry" I repeat and his movements are still as he stares at whatever is on his phone. I quickly step back as he stands to his feet. His gaze now on the floor as he shoves his phone into one of his pockets. "Um, hello?" I say unsure on what his plan is here.

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