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Sitting in the passenger seat of John's BMW, I watch as the buildings pass by in a blur. The lack of sleep now catching up to me, I was exhausted to say the least. I glanced at him and took in his appearance, the days work making him look drained. I noticed the tight grip he had on the steering wheel. I didn't question him on it as I looked back out the window. John had insisted on driving to the place as the bus wouldn't have had a route, plus he liked driving his car instead. 

He had asked me about Harry as we walked out to his car together. Mentioning that Harry seemed a bit off, that he just seemed tense and angry. I told him it was just the way Harry was and that it was nothing to worry about. But that didn't stop the confusion and worry from showing on his face minutes after the conversation had ended. 

My mind drifted off to earlier as me and Harry walked out. I didn't plan on letting him kiss me, it just sort of happened. More than anything I wanted to take this slow with Harry, knowing just how fragile this all was. How easily he could be set off, I still needed to get use to being around him. Last nights events settling in the back of my head, always coming to the surface randomly through out the day. 

Seeing him within seven hours later, sure didn't help me any. There was some what of a difference in the way he was acting, he seemed almost lighter, a little less tense. A small smile plays at my lips as I recalled the look on his face after we had kissed. The genuine smile that formed on his face, I only had wished it permanently stayed there. 

My attention is adverted to the restaurant as we pulled into the lot. My heart automatically sinking as it's the same one Harry had taken me to a week prior. Parking the car, John seemed to catch onto my uneasiness and shifted his body towards me as he unbuckled his seat belt. "Is something wrong?" he asked with worry evident in his voice and shown on his face. I shake my head, unbuckling my own seat belt and I force a small smile "I just have been here before" I say and his eyes shift to the building in front of us. Then he looks back to me "we can go somewhere else? If you want?" he asks and I quickly shake my head. "This is fine" I say as I climb out of the car. 

Stepping into the building, I glance around as John gets us a table. Usually there was a wait but we are quickly led to a private table in the back. My eyes automatically land on the area where Harry and I sat. The tension was so high that night but it all seemed to slip away as the night went on, that night being one of my favorite moments with Harry, not that we had any good times other than that. 

I am quickly forced out of my thoughts as John sits across from me and orders us a bottle of wine. His gaze is set on something across the room and I can't help but see the chest hair peaking out of his semi- unbuttoned shirt. Quickly looking away, I open the menu and take a deep breath. "I usually get the Chicken Picatta, feel free to get whatever you like, It is on me" he says and I automatically felt bad. I hated when someone would pay for me, I felt like a burden and it had always been that way for as long as I could remember. 

While we waited for our food to come, John started up a conversation about the files he was required to do and now has to bring them home to finish tonight. But that subject had quickly went out the window as we talked about our teenage years. John had mentioned his previous lifestyle and how he grew up in a rich family in Tacoma. 

The difficulties of growing up in a big family of four other siblings, I couldn't have even imagined. I myself had only one other sibling, my brother Caleb. Caleb was three years older and was out of the house as soon as he graduated high school. I haven't seen him in about four years, never once had he come up to visit me. 

He found himself moving to Florida and attending the University of Miami with a full scholarship in Neurology. My brother was always so smart, never failing to help me with my school work growing up. I should probably give him a call soon, now that I think about it. 

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