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After giving myself a pep talk over a few minutes now, I realize I have been in here longer than I should be. Grabbing onto the door handle, I jump as I hear a knock. I could feel my throat close in and I slowly open the door, but just a little bit. Enough for me to peak my head out.

Harry stands there, his fingers playing with his lip. He drops his hand and leans against the frame. "Is everything alright?" he asks with concern pouring out of his facial features. Should I play the sick card? So it is a reason to leave? No. Then he will try to make me stay anyways.

I give a small smile "oh yeah. Everything is good. I am just having stomach problems. Just give me a few minutes?" I say as kindly as possible. "Please?" I add and he frowns "oh okay. I was just wondering. Do you want green beans or asparagus?" his eyebrows raise with the question. Like he is hoping I choose the right one.

"Uh, asparagus?" I say questionably and he nods. "Do you need anything for your stomach? I have pepto or tums?" he asks and looks back down the hall then back to me. "Oh no. I'll be fine" I give a small smile and he smiles and walks away.

Closing the door, I look myself in the mirror. My hair looks a mess in this ponytail. Letting my hair down, I comb through it. Okay. This is fine. I will eat dinner then leave.

Going out, I slowly walk down the hall but I stop in my tracks as I see a door cracked open. I look back down the hall to make sure he isn't watching me. I know I shouldn't but my curiosity has got the best of me. Pushing the door open a little bit more, the room is dark. As I am about to step in, he tugs me back and slams the door shut.

His eyes are dark, and his hand is white knuckled as it grips the door handle. "You should not be snooping around in someone else's place" he says with a low voice. I start to back away and I am faced with the man I saw in my apartment. A murderous glare is all I see staring back at me.

I start to tremble as my words come out jumbled and broken "you're right. I- I am sorry." My back comes against the wall as I try to put more distance between us. That doesn't do much as he takes two steps to stand in front of me.

Harry stares at me and I place my hands on his chest, trying to push him away. His hands find themselves around my wrists. "I would hate to do something I will regret Celeste" he says and I squeeze my eyes shut as his cold fingertips find themselves running down my cheek and jaw. And slowly making his way down my neck.

Suddenly a ding is heard from the kitchen. "Oh dinner is ready" he says more cheerfully. Harry makes his way down the hall and I put my head back as the tears go down my cheek. This man is actually insane. Quickly wiping them, I take my time going to the kitchen.

As I round the corner, I see the table all set up with two plates and my water set aside. Harry sits across from me and I sit down. Looking down at my plate, there's a grilled chicken with some sort of sauce on top and there's small cut potatoes and the asparagus, I chose.

I wasn't going to lie to myself that it smelled amazing. I cut into the chicken and I hesitantly take it into my mouth. For a split second, I think he is going to try and drug me or poison me but the taste is all too savory that I dismiss those thoughts. His stare is heavy on me as he watches me put a piece of potato in my mouth.

"So? What do you think?" he asks as he takes a sip of his drink. He looks hopeful as I take a sip of my water. "I never would have expected you to cook this good" I say and I even mean it. I haven't had a home cooked meal in a few months.

Harry nods in appreciation and starts to eat his plate of food. My eyes drift over to the photo on the fridge again. I want to ask who that is but that might strike a nerve. We are on thin ice and I still find my leg shaking under the table.

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