Chapter 10: Back to reality

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For a long time now Lana tried to focus at least on some vague object in her line of sight. Everything around was blurred and it took her a lot of straight just to keep her eyes open. She wanted so much to hurry up and get rid of the constant fog in her head. At last, the gaze caught on to something and the blurred figures began to take on a more distinct shape. Above Lana was a white ceiling with a small chandelier, but the light in the room was not from it, so logically one could assume that now was a daytime. It was very quiet in here and since she did not recognize the chandelier, Lana could assume that she was not at home or somewhere in a familiar place.

She tried to move. The body did not hurt much, but a feeling of sluggishness and dizziness made her feel like she had a hangover. Lana finally managed to raise a little and look around the room. There was no much furniture and it was rather laconic tasteful. Everything was done in pastel colors of beige. In the armchair next to the bed on which she was lying, Lana saw a silhouette. As soon as she turned to look. who it was, the person jumped up and run to her side. It was Vicky! Lana immediately recognized her daughter's familiar features. Her beautiful girl!

" Mom?! "- The voice was full of anxiety and fear. "Mom, can you hear me? How do you feel? Does it hurt anywhere? Do you want to drink?" - Without hesitating, she bombarded Lana with questions. She was always an impatient girl. The children's period "Why" began to her kid as soon as she began to speak, and maybe even earlier, still never ended... Nicky always threatened to give her a gag as a birthday present, although he often perceived her chatter as white noise. Lana smiled tenderly at Vicky to calm her down.

" I'm Ok. Nothing hurts, but I would like a drink." - she croaked, her voice was broken and somehow alien.

"All right," - responded Vicki and rushed to the door, then stopped abruptly and slapped her palm on her forehead, went back to the room:

" I'm an idiot! The water is here, "she muttered, going around the bed. Meanwhile, Lana tried to get up. The first attempt was unsuccessful. Her head spun, and her hands lost all the straight halfway, she collapsed on the pillow with a groan, knocking her head against the back of the bed, unfortunately, it was not soft at all and her nape met with a hardwood. Vicky yelped and rushed back to her splattering the water in her hand everywhere around.

" Mom don't get up! Sophie said that you need to rest, we did not expect that you will recover so quickly."

" How much time has passed? What happened?" - Recovered a little, asked Lana without trying to rise again. The face of Vicky instantly became pale and serious.

" Don't you remember?" - she finally whispered.

Lana was silent for a moment. She clearly remembered how she came home, cooked, then Ralph arrived ... She shivered remembering everything that happened next.

"Ralph got angry and ..." Lana could not find the words and fell silent, lowering her eyes.

" Angry? Mom, how long are you gonna be like this?!" - Vicky screamed suddenly in range and slammed the glass of water back on the nightstand. Lana did not expect such a reaction and raised her eyes in surprise to Vicki. She was fuming like a demon.

"Mom, he almost beat you to death. If Nick and I did not get back early, I don't know what could have happened! He ... He went berserk on you!"

" Vicky, calm down," - from the door came the low voice of her brother. His face was serious and worried. He crossed the room and sat down on the bed beside Lana, looking her up and down.

" How are you feeling, Mom?" - he finally asked, laying his broad, cool palm on Lana's forehead. She gave her son the same warm and slightly tired smile.

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