Chapter 18: Puppy eyes

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The next lecture at Greg's college was only three days later. So he has already had time to calm down a bit, think everything over, then get angry again and even get drunk once. But on Monday morning he was energetic, fresh and terribly irritated.

He was five minutes late for the beginning of the lesson, which did not lighten his mood, and, flying into the class the first one he came across, turned out to be Nicholas. When Greg appeared, the guy nodded in greeting, and as if nothing had happened went to his place. At the same time during the whole lecture he was silent as usual, only now he was looking out the window, and not at Greg. The rest of the students were also quiet as if they felt negative waves, which the teacher was splashing around in all directions.

For today, two blocks were planned with a short break of ten minutes in between. Greg initially wanted to retire to his office during this time, although he usually spent that time preparing for the next lesson, absorbing his student's behavior stealthily. But as soon as he started to rise from his chair, from the corner of his eye, he caught some movements on the right side, where Nick sat. One of the guys from the back of the class, who was the ideal representative of the group "I don't know what I'm doing in here at all", suddenly approached Nicky's table and set down waiting for Nick to look at him. But Nicky's gaze was glued to the window, as if he didn't even notice anything amiss. Finally realizing that Nick ignores him, the guy decided to start the conversation himself.

" Look, I've been watching you for a long time. You have a great body type. We are looking for the new members on the baseball team now. Would you like to try?"

Nicholas turned his head to the intruder and, as usual, silently started to stare at him. Greg even sympathized with this guy a little. Nick must be working on this stare for years because even Greg did not feel comfortable when the guy looked at him so intently. But this guy was a tough cooky for not cracking immediately. He slightly paled but stayed where he was.

" I won't insist, but why don't you come to the training at least. Look, There are often a lot of girls," - he went on. Nick did not even move a muscle on his face.

"Although it's probably not all that interesting for you. With such hot chicks around you," - he added. A strange gleam in his eyes told Greg that this guy had initially approached Nick not to invite him to the team. He looked around the class and immediately stumbled upon a group of guys. They froze as if in anticipation and listened very attentively to their conversation.

"What are you talking about?" - Nicholas finally asked, frowning.

"I mean those two who pick you up every day. The car is garbage, but the blonde, MMM ... I'm getting hard only thinking about ..."

Greg saw red, he did not notice how he crossed the whole classroom and come to himself only when his goal disappeared from his view. Nick nevertheless sat closer so the guy didn't even have time to finish the sentence as Nick's fist slammed in his teeth and he fell off his chair back into the passage. When Greg approached the fighting, Nicholas had already smashed the guy's lip and put a decent shiner under his eye. Greg had no choice but to drag Nick away from the battered and blood-drenched lad as if accidentally stepping on his groin. The guy howled and curled into the ball.

Nicholas didn't resist when Greg dragged him away from his victim but breathed heavily and strangely shivered. Greg had no choice but to get the guy out of the class at the same time giving instructions to other students, take care of the victim and went to his office.

Entering inside he seated Nick on a chair and gave him a glass of water.

" Calmed down?" - he finally asked when the guy stopped shaking. For Greg, this guy's reaction was very strange. It can't be that he lived to be twenty years old without ever getting into a fight? Looking at the athletic figure of Nick, it was hard to imagine that it's possible. The boys always remain boys, and the unsociable guy with a muscular figure is always a target for those who want to prove their strength.

Nick, meanwhile, finally regained his former calmness and rose to put the glass on the table.

"Don't you want to explain yourself?" Greg asked, taking the glass from him.

"He was talking about Mom," - Nick confirmed in a colorless voice.

"Ok, I understand. But this is not a legitimate reason to beat him up. If this guy goes to the dean's office, then you can be suspended, or even kicked out."

Apparently, this prospect did not really scare Nicholas. He only shrugged and continued to look at his hands on his knees.

Greg wanted to give him a lecture about fights and behavior in the school, but the guy suddenly looked up and asked:

"Mr. Wells," - Greg for some reason, didn't like this way of addressing. From Nicky's mouth, it sounded like resent.

"I want to apologize. I didn't want anything bad. Just when I was choosing a college on the list of professors there was the name of your sister. I remember how kind you were to us when we were kids and ... I do not know ... I thought maybe I could meet you ..."

The big honest eyes of the boy looked Greg right into the soul, making him feel like a real asshole.

"Nicholas, I'm not mad at you at all," he finally began.

"Then why are you angry with mom? She did not know anything about it. You should blame me, not her." - interrupted him Nick. The boy's eyes seemed even bigger and they were shining. Like the eyes of an innocent offended dog. It was just torture!

" Nick, we have a complex relationship with your mother. You were still small and don't remember much."

"I remember how you loved each other," - the guy added quietly, making Greg's heart contract.

"Apparently not enough for her to stay with me," Greg spet. He regretted saying this as soon as the words were out.

Nick opened his mouth to say something, but Greg tried to finish this conversation as quickly as possible.

"Whatever. Come on, I have no more lectures left for today. I'll take you home." - he muttered and went to the door. Nicky fidgeted after him.

Greg never really tried to stick out his wealth. At first, he even wore ordinary clothes, not understanding why you need to spend so much money on rags. But Tony almost ignited when Greg once again appeared at the meeting in an ordinary suit from the nearest store. The next day, he burst into Greg house and made an exemplary execution of his cloth by burning. Greg didn't care much, although the new costumes were much more convenient than the previous ones, so he decided to postpone revenge.

But the cars were his weakness. And there he saw no reason to save on quality. His beloved Mercedes obediently squeaked as they stepped into the parking lot. Greg turned to the guy in anticipation, because the boys are always crazy about the cars. But Nick looked the same gloomy and detached.

Even though Greg loved to watch his students he never experienced any personal feelings for them. He had no desire to like them or to tie up a kind of friendship. He had enough friends. But Nick's detachment caused a strange feeling in Greg. He remembered this boy as a child. It was so interesting to watch how usually a serious and quiet boy, when Greg came, began to shine like a Christmas tree. He laughed, they played football, tussled and watched cartoons together. It was always easy to lure him with chocolate ice cream from the darkest of his mood. But every time Greg was leaving, he felt Nicky lingering gaze, the boys shine fading away and he becoming a little adult again.

Sitting behind the wheel, Greg squinted at the boy. Nicky was silent and looked out the window.

" So where should I take you? " Greg finally sighed.

"I'll show, now in the direction from the center on the Twenty-fourth and across the bridge to the right," Nicky responded and Greg started the car.

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