Chapter 13: My students

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Surprisingly, with every new lecture or seminar, Greg liked to teach more and more. He already had a little experience as an invited lecturer. But spending some time meeting with his class, he realized that he not only likes to listen to himself but also to observe his students. It was like watching a TV show.

There really were only five girls in the class. And they were all very different. Two of them seemed to have got here by accident. They were cute, fashionably dressed, every day with a new complicated hairstyle, like twenty and one way to tie a sea knot on the head, and most importantly, twenty minutes from the beginning of every lesson, he would start to catch their lost looks, as if Greg was speaking in an unknown language. However, Greg quickly understood the reason for their appearance in this group.

At first, one of them constantly tried to ask questions during the lecture. Millions of questions! By the third lecture, he began to ignore the dramatically raised slim limb of one of the pairs with a bunch of jingling jewelry. By the fifth he started to have a tick from any jingling, this sound hunted him everywhere. By the seventh, he realized that these decorations were his salvation since they warned Greg about the approach of this couple, which always tried to pin him down in the corridor.

The other two were in varying degrees of the process of merging with the surrounding space. They tried in every possible way to emphasize that they hate and despise everything connected with femininity. The problem was that not one self-respecting guy at that age would walk with his unwashed head and in stretched, worn out clothes, which even a social worker would hardly accept for donation. But on the other hand, they listened very carefully and eagerly participated in discussions. The last girl Greg could not yet figure out. Thought She paid attention in class, but more often was silent, although on the first test has shown the best result in the group. In the rest of class activities, she was somewhere in the middle, trying to merge with the wall. The guys in bulk were divided into three types: those who already think they are engineers and only here to prove it. Those who are here because this is a manly profession, although they still do not understand the essence and those who don't have a clue what this all about, they just did not want to go to business. Too mainstream. Not cool enough.

But then something strange happened. Two weeks after the start of the semester, one more student joined the class and other students began to break out of their categories in a completely unexpected way.

When this guy first came into the audience, Greg smiled at him and wanted to start the lesson, but for some reason, he stopped and looked again. The guy was definitely handsome. You are more likely to see such people on the advertising of underwear than in the mechanics class. Lazy, but confident movements, no expression on his face and surprisingly attentive eyes, adding all this model like fleur made him stand out from the crowd, drawing everyone's eyes to him. But it was not the reason for Greg's attention. His face was strangely familiar, although he could swear that he had never met this young man before.

Moreover, when a guy entered and set at a desk by the window, he fixed his gaze on Greg and did not take his eyes off him until the end of the lesson, as if he were trying to burn a hole in his teacher. He did not ask questions, did not write down, did not even look at the other students, but simply stared at Greg with his big blue eyes. It was somewhat creepy. Once the lecture was over, he just got up and left the classroom without saying a word.

And this lasted another week. At the same time, surprising perturbations began to take place in the classroom. It was especially evident among girls. The guys alternately tried to start a conversation with a new one, but they always came across a wall of silence. At first, girls were quiet after he appeared. But the calm was before the storm.

A couple of beautiful girls quarreled with each other the day after, they sat apart in lectures, exchanging malicious glances, and when one tried, as before, to start asking questions, the second rolled up her eyes or giggled, taunting her ex-friend. At the same time, that one changed her target from Greg to the newcomer, apparently considering that a bird in the hand, especially this yummy one, is much better. It was interesting to watch such games, mainly when the focus was no longer on him. Besides, very soon in the race for the right to possess this board shoulder-bird, appeared a new participant. It was one of the girls in the stretched T-shirt, who suddenly found out that she is still part of the female sex. And now with every lecture, her jeans became tighter, and the T-shirts brighter, besides, now Greg could tell that she was a blond, as she finally washed her hair. The fifth one was continually throwing a longing glance towards the boy, and her points on the tests swept swiftly downward.

"Ah, love!" - he thought cynically one of these days, collecting his materials after the lecture. This time the stack was a little more than usual, as he brought a lot of visual material and also collected the project's papers from last week. Carefully pretending that he did not notice one of the beauties already aiming in his direction, he tried to hurry with it, when someone's shadow covered his table. It was the last person who he expected to see, a newcomer. Greg instantly felt a usual cold shiver meeting the boy's sharp stare.

Trying to cover his uneasiness, Greg cleared his throat and asked:

"Do you have any questions?"

"I'll help," - stated the boy, taking some of the papers and turning towards the door. He sure was stingy for words.

"I can actually do it myself ..." Greg began but caught the young man's stare, hesitated.

"Maybe he needs to ask a question that he can't ask here?" Greg thought giving up and following the boy out.

However, all the way back this student stubbornly remained silent. Greg kept stealing glances at him. Surprisingly, his face was very hard to read. For some reason, this guy in many ways reminded Greg of Mike and his lack of emotionality. But at the same time, Greg had a strange feeling that the kid is entirely different. From him, Greg didn't feel coldness or detachment as from his friend.

Entering his office, which originally belonged to Marina, they both arranged all the things on the table which was buried under a heap of papers. Marina was never very tidy. Greg turned to the boy in anticipation. He stood by the window and looked at the street in no hurry to leave. Greg cleared his throat trying to get attention, but the boy did not react. Greg had no choice but to start the conversation himself and already opened his mouse to speak when the guy finally pushed his gaze from the window and asked:

" Do you have a girlfriend?" - Greg did not expect such a question. { What the...Don't tell me ...} flashed through Greg's mind before he carefully began:

" MMM ... Nicholas, you see, this is a quite personal question. If you would like to consult on the topic of relations, then I ..."

"I'm not interested in relationships," the boy snapped, keeping his eyes on Greg, who was starting to get a bit nervous. - What about your last ex? Did you have a long relationship? Do you communicate with your ex-girlfriends? Have you ever wanted to marry? What about the children?"

The questions flew at such a speed that Greg could not even insert a word. Greg did not hear that many words from this student for the whole semester. He didn't actually hear any word from him at all. From such an attack, he blanked for some time.

"Look, Nicholas, I do not quite understand why you're asking me this." - Greg tried to defuse the situation, pretending that he is cleaning the table, as he couldn't take this freakish stare anymore. The boy fell silent. Greg lifted his eyes from the papers and stumbled on the waiting look of the guy. He simply stood there and stared, waiting... Jesus! That was torture!

" If you have problems with girls, then I can certainly try to help somehow, I can advise." - Greg tried the other way.

"The girls do not interest me," Nicholas cut off immediately.

"Um ... boys?"

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