Chapter 14: Small hurricane and a cliff

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" Relationships in general." - spit the boy with a blank expression, still keeping his eyes on Greg and waiting for the answers to his questions.

"Then I do not understand what do you want from me ..."

Greg didn't have time to finish the sentence as his office door swung open as if it was kicked and a girl burst into the room like a hurricane. Dark hair stuck out in all directions, and a long maroon dress flapped behind her like a flag. She looked menacingly. Greg immediately backed away, accustomed to the fact that you should expect anything from a female. Her eyes looked around the room, stopped on Nicholas, and her face broke into a charming smile.

"Nicky," she squealed and rushed into the boy's arms. Greg waited for him to either push the girl away or ignore her as he always did with his classmates. But when the face of the guy suddenly lighten up, broke into an equally wide smile and he caught the girl in the air, slightly swinging her around as if she did not weigh anything, Greg did not believe his eyes. The change in the behavior of the guy was so dramatic that one could suspect a split personality.

Nicholas, meanwhile, put the laughing girl on the ground and leaned to her ear, whispering something. She immediately turned around and looked at Greg with a slow, estimative glance from head to foot. So slow that it seemed that she was scanning him. Finally, having finished her examination, the girl nodded with satisfaction and turned back.

" How long are you going to be here? Mom wants to take us to dinner. She even agreed to this burger place, the one I was talking about earlier. It's so cool. Girls from my class had been there, and they can't stop bragging about it. They said that even celebrities go there. They also said that they met there some actor, I don't know him. But they squealed so loudly that he should be someone very cool. That would be fab if we met someone."

The words erupted from the girl in an endless stream, so Greg has been lost in a first few seconds, but Nicholas continued to gently smile at the girl and listen carefully to the whole tirade. Only accidentally Greg was able to pick up some interesting piece of information among this mess. Indeed, if you look closely, these two were surprisingly similar to each other.

Hair of equally dark shade, very similar blue eyes, light skin. They were siblings, no mistake about it. But now, looking closely at the girl, Greg suddenly felt the same feeling that he had with her brother. Her features were so familiar that he felt uneasy. When this happened with Nicholas, Greg did not really give it much thoughts, but this girl. Even those women with whom Greg communicated constantly, he distinguished only by the color of the hair, figure or voice, because he could not remember the face. It was not like he couldn't see the face but it simply did not stay in his memory. If, for example, an employee suddenly chang her hairstyle, Greg wouldn't be able to recognize her for some time.

But the feeling that he had already seen this girl, although he was sure that he had not met with her before that, was something new.

Meanwhile, the girl finally ended her speech or she just took a breather. Nicholas noded a few times like he was agreeing with everything at once, picked up his sister by the arm and started to drag her to the door. When they passed Greg, the girl suddenly paused and took a step forward stretched out her hand.

" My name is Victoria or Vicki," - she introduced herself with a beaming smile. Greg had not seen a smile like that for a long time, without any subtext, just a sincere smile that reflected in her eyes. He took her hand and squeezed it gently.

"I'm the younger sister of Nicky. Nicky and Vicky. And both our names mean victory. Isn't it really cool? I've heard a lot about you. You are very handsome and tall. Nicky said that you are also very smart, and successful. It's the bomb!"

She wanted to add something else, but Nicholas quickly silenced her with his broad palm, nodded briefly once again to Greg, and dragged his sister into the corridor. Greg could only shake his head in bewilderment. These two left such a different impression and at the same time were so similar. Vicky, sudden as a storm, and Nicky as a serene cliff. Greg did not know why he smiled. No matter how strange this meeting was, it left an amazing warmth inside. As if he had met with old acquaintances.

Obeying some inner urging, he went to the window. His office was on the second floor and the window was viewing the porch and parking lot near the building. He noticed how that strange couple was coming down the stairs. Vicky ran alongside her brother, whose wide, confident steps constantly forced her to catch up and chattered about without stopping. Nick looked forward, but a soft smile lingered on his face. An old Honda stopped in front of them. The paint was peeling in some places and there were deep scratches here and there. At the sight of the car, the girl rushed forward, waving her hands in greeting, and the guy hurried after her. For some reason, Greg's heart jumped for a second and froze.

The driver's door opened and out came a short, slender blonde. She waved at the pair smiling broadly, Greg gasped. Even standing so far away, he immediately realized who it was. A whole storm of emotions rose in his soul. He clenched his fists and mentally urging himself to calm down, moved toward the door. It's time to get answers to his questions. He will no longer allow her to play with him like a cat with a mouse.

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