Chapter 1: Snowstorm

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Snowflakes covered wide windows, obscuring a view of the landing strip, that was buried under mountains of snow. It's only been an hour and a half since the beginning of the snowstorm, and the landscape around the small airport in the city, which is difficult to find on the map, looked more like Antarctica. In a small shabby hall gathered about 15 people. Not one of them had any plans to be here today and clearly was not happy with such an occasion.

It was quite rare to see so many people here at the same time. But today nature decided to play a cruel joke and force two planes to make an unscheduled landing in this God-forgotten place. Both of those planes now huddled in a small rusted hangar.

One of them, old, local airlines small jet, looked here quite naturally. But the other, the proud and the sparkling private luxuries jet near it looked like a thoroughbred horse in the villager's stable.

The crowd in the hall also divided into two groups. On the right side near the wall, huddled a bunch of passengers surrounded by their luggage on dirty-yellow iron benches. They all were from the regular flight.

There were: a woman of about thirty with a baby in her arms and an elderly lady accompanying her; two middle-aged men in battered but neat work uniforms; a couple of pensioners; a middle-aged couple in bright t-shirts, standing out from the general gray crowed and a girl in her twenties. She was tightly wrapped in a heavy jacket so that from under the hood one couldn't even see her nose. The look on all those faces was quite gloomy.

On the other hand, the left side of the hall looked utterly different. Five men from privet jet leisurely sited in a circle in comfy chairs brought from registry desk. All five behaved as though they were the owners of the whole airport, and all the people around did not exist at all. Expensive suits, relaxed poses and loud, friendly bickering created around these people an atmosphere more suited for an elite club for executives than this half-abandoned airport on the outskirts.

"Gregory, stop making this sour face. None of us are happy to get stuck in here. "- the blond man with surprisingly clean and manly facial features, said reassuringly and slapped on a shoulder gruffly brunet near him, handing him a glass with a dark honey colored liquid in it. Gregory Wells or Greg, as his friends called him, muttered a few curses, but still accepted the whiskey.

If you asked him just a few hours ago, where he will be at the moment, then none of the logical algorithms or hypothetical scenarios would lead him to the assumption that he will be stuck in this hole for an incomprehensible amount of time. Even the company of his old friends did not make his mood better.

Frank, the good-natured merry fellow with the appearance of Captain America, was his childhood friends. Therefore, his company was as natural and comfortable as a favorite pair of jeans.

Tony, a short but devilishly charming and indecently rich ladies' man with obvious Latin roots sitting opposite, Greg met in college. They hated each other at first sight, fought on the second meeting and became best friends while lying in the same hospital ward after that. All this trip was, by the way, his idea. That's why right now Tony was trying his best to lift everyone's mood and not to earn a black eye in the process.

Mike Ross, the youngest member of their group, was as always taciturn and cool as a cucumber. As if he was now not in the middle of a snowstorm, in the menacingly creaking building, but on his couch in front of the TV.

Despite his young age of only 29, he made an impression of the eldest and most even minded of their company.

Paul, on the contrary, looked like a teenager, even though he was already 35. Because of his pretty baby face, coupled with unruly red hair, he was forced to apply a lot of effort to be taken seriously. Even in the courtroom, where he despite anything already made a name for himself as a lawyer, Paul still sometimes was asked to prove that he was adult by those who meet him for the first time. That was the main reason for his personality to become so cold, arrogant and sarcastic. Only his friends could calmly and humorously react to his venomous comments, always displeased face and even enjoyed his taunts.

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