Chapter 3: Escape

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Gregory followed the figure of the girl with his eyes till the door of the toilet in surprise. A couple of minutes ago he was completely sure that the girl tightly wrapped in a jacket, was asleep because she did not even move and did not pay attention to what was happening around. But as soon as he and Tony approached the passenger seats, the girl jumped up, as if her ghosts was hunting her rushed through the hall towards the lavatory.

"Apparently she could not endure our irresistibility," Tony whispered, his eyes on the adorable little boy in his arms.

"Or her nausea started when she saw your pretty face," Greg answered without hesitation. Insult to a friend was so natural to their group that in old age they would most likely simply insult each other on a daily basis without using normal phrases.

Tony just snorted.

"This cutie pie and a thousand of beautiful girls can confirm the absolute untruthfulness of your statement. So this leaves only your face as the most obvious reason for this sudden reaction of this young creature."

" What makes you think that the girl is young? "- Determined to change the topic into a more peaceful channel, asked Greg.

"I saw her without a hood when the passengers entered the arrivals hall. In addition, such a cutie is difficult to miss." - he whispered to his friend like it was a secret.

Greg shook his head.

" You will never change! Women like a drug for you. Your addiction starts to frighten me."

" Oooh! My friend, you are mistaken. Drugs make you crazy for a while, and then make you regret that you were born into this world until you get a new dose. Women give such an effect only when you do not know how to handle them."

"I'll remember those words when your next passion cuts your car window with a brick," Greg chuckled, remembering last year's epic encounter with another Tony's ex. He shrugged his shoulders and continued to play with the baby.

"Monica is a lovely thing, she's was just a little confused. She called last week and invited me to her wedding."

"Is this her next trap?" Gregory asked in surprise. It was hard to believe that even on such a psycho as Monica, Tony's charms could work so well. This man seemed to hypnotize the girls around him so that even when it was time to part they remained friends. But that girl completely went off the rails.

"Gregory, listen to the words of truth." - Tony sang in a solemn voice, apparently deciding to leave off the answer with his next wisdom of the century. - "Girls never want to hear what you think, they want to hear what they think - just pronounced in a lower male voice. Remember this and you will never have problems with parting." - Tony purred.

"And how the hell would I know what they think in the first place." - Greg shook his head.

At this point, the women who had already finished their small break approached them.

"Thank you very much, "- said a little embarrassed young girl taking a child from Tony. - "You really have talent with children!"

"That's right! I adore kids, " - Tony declared, giving the girl one of his most charming smiles. The girl immediately flushed. Greg took it as a signal and grabbed a friend by the arm dragging him back to their company, briefly saying goodbye the women.

"It was so rude of you!" - Tony muttered with reluctance following him.

"A little more and this girl will invite you to adopt her child." - Greg snapped. He could not understand the constant desire of a friend to charm any female within a kilometer of himself. According to his personal experience, even if they are not given a reason, women will still find an opportunity to arrange chaos in your life. Why tease fate ?!

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