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I'm y/n, this year was my last year of middle school. I was so over it, I hated going their everyday.

Everyone would tease me, I really don't know why. Maybe cause I was the only girl who didn't wore makeup and wore glasses. Yeah I wasn't the prettiest girl.

Just a couple more weeks and I'll be done with it.

You were in class, not paying attention in class instead just drawing into my little book you would carry in my pocket. It was Friday so everyone was a bit tired and not caring about learning. Even the teacher noticed this and he would usually not teach on Fridays. He just gave us some worksheet.

You drew the class from my point of view, you drew the teacher and the back of the kids heads.

Then there's a knock at the door. It caught everyone's attention so everyone turn their heads toward the door.

"Hello Mr. Vega, sorry this is short notice but can we move him to your class?" One of the ladies from the front office comes in. Her hand on the shoulder of this boy. You couldn't see who he was, she was in the way.

"Yes and what would be the reason? Does he miss behave?" Mr. Vega says crossing his arms.

"No, not at all. His class is to loud for Paul here. He's a good student so it's better to send him to a good class." She says smiling heading towards the door.

Once she said Paul, all the girls perked up. You looked up to see him, it was the one and only Paul mccartney.

Paul was famous in this school, he was in the group of the cutest guys in school. Didn't help that he could sing and play instruments.

You blushed when you noticed his eyes met mine. You look down and continue drawing.

You heard all the whispers from the girls in the back.

"Look he's so cute"

"I can't believe he's gonna be in our class."

"Is he still single?"

"Im not sure. He hasn't been seen with anyone"

You sighed and just continued looking down scared that if you looked at Paul he would be looking at me again.

Yeah I had a crush on the guy, who didn't he was cute. But you really shut down the idea of him liking you. So you didn't bother growing the crush.

"Okay Paul take the empty seat there" Mr. Vega says and points at the empty seat in front of you.

You're eyes meet Paul's again, and he smiles sweetly. You don't respond and he just walks up to you and takes his seat.

"Okay y/n, can you please help Paul here caught up with the class. He might need your notes. And you're the only one in the class who takes notes." Mr. Vega says looking at the class in disappointment. Everyone just rolls their eyes and groans. You just sigh hearing the whispers.

"Try hard"

You just grab your notebook and poke Paul's shoulder. He turns having a smile on his face already. 

"Here, just give them back when you're done." You say giving him the notebook.

"Thank You" he says and turns back around.

You just adjust your glasses and continue drawing. You draw the back of Paul's head seeing the empty seat was now full.

After a few more minutes, the bell rings and the class gets ready to pick up their things and leave home.

Pretty Women: Paul McCartney x readerWhere stories live. Discover now