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"You okay Jude" John asked

"No" you said.

You were laying in your bed, you had your PJs on. You didn't go to school you told your mom you felt sick she didn't question it. John came to check on you since he found out that you told Paul.

"He's mad at me. Told me to not talk to him again." You said you hid in your sheets feeling really depressed.

"Don't feel bad y/n. He'll come around, he's just letting his pride get the best of him. He loves you." John said patting your shoulder.

You sighed and hid back into your covers. Wanting to disappear.

"I'm y/n"

"You're what?"

"I know it sounds crazy but I'm y/n. Im sorry I never told you Paul. I was just scared."

"You, left me. I was worried about you!" He said.

"I know. But my mom said we were moving. I didn't know. I was mad at you I let my pride get the best of me"

"I was worried sick! You know how much I've been through." He said.

"I'm sorry.." you said weakly.

"I gotta go." He said walking away. You called out for him but he didn't look back. You walked home alone.

"I really fucked up" you said.

"You did the right thing Jude." John said.

"If I did why do I feel awful." You said.

John hugged you and you hugged back.

"Come on get dressed." John said picking you out of bed.

"Why" you said.

"No questions get dressed" he said.

You sighed and walked to your closet picking out a simple dress. You put it on and fixed your hair. You didn't bother putting in makeup. Everyone knew who you were at this point.

John grabbed your wrist and took you out of your home. You followed John he led you to a little icecream place.

"Okay sit at one of the booths, I'll be back." He said. He walked to the counter and you just sat at the booth. You put your head against the cold table. You were depressed you never seen Paul so mad and hurt.

You slammed your head repeating the words stupid. You felt so stupid for hurting Paul.

"Cheer up" you heard John say.

You didn't lift your head John put his fingers on your chin and lifted you head. You saw the giant bowl of ice cream on the table. It had five different flavors of icecream. Each flavor having two scoops. It also had a ton of topings from chocolate to gummy bears.

"What's this for?" You asked

"You now eat up. It will make ya feel better." He says.

You took a spoonful and ate the icecream. You saw John tell stupid jokes he did his best to make you feel better. It did help but you still felt this shadow of sadness looming over you.

But John being here did help. You took bites of the icecream enjoying it. The icecream also helped.

"Ringo?" You said looking at the boy who was walking in the shop.

"Oh hey Jude" he said sitting next to you.

"It's y/n now" you said. He looked at you and put the pieces together.

"Is that why I didn't see ya today, didn't go well huh?" He said hugging you. You hugged him back.

"It will get better okay y/n. Paul is just being a idiot right now. He's one when he's mad." He says.

"He looked so hurt." You said

Ringo shushed you and took a spoonful of icecream and fed it to you.

"Shush eat more sweets." He says.

"It's nice you guys are doing this for me but sweets don't just get rid of your guilt and sadness." You say.

Ringo feds you another spoonful of icecream.

"Nope, but it sure does help." He says rubbing your back trying to make you feel better.

You smile.

"See atta girl, smiling, what a lovely bird" John smiled.

You rolled your eyes but kept smiling. You were thankful you had them.

"So y/n, if you need anything ya can come to one of us to cheer ya up. Cause we don't wanna see ya sad." Ringo says.

"Thanks guys, you guys truly are my best friends." You smile.

"Yeah of course we are you dummy" John smirked. You playfully kicked him and he gave a performance. As if he was in so much pain. You chuckled and John smiled taking in his success.

After the icecream finished John and Ringo both walked you home. On the way George came up.

"Guys did Paul and Jude have a fight or something?" He said.

He looked at you. "Jude?" He said you nodded your head.

"Wait, but you look like that other bird Paul showed me. He had pictures." George said.

"Yep that's me too" you said.

You caught up George and then he understood everything.

"Well that makes sense he was a like a four year old having a temper tantrum" George said.

"Is he still acting up?" John said.

George nodded you sighed.

He's still mad at me. Will he always stay mad at me.

"He will never forgive me huh?" You said.

"Now don't say that y/n, your still maccas' bird. He loves you. He just needs to blow some steam." George said.

"Yeah he would always talk about ya, the luv is still there he just needs to stop being such a child." John says.

"Yeah I'm sure he will come back and apologize and forgive you." Ringo said.

You looked at them smiling it was forced and by the look on John's face he knew it was forced.

"It will be alright y/n" he says hugging you.

You sighed you three walked to your home. You got to the door and walked in saying good bye to the boys.

They were gonna practice they wanted you to go so you can see Paul and talk to him. But you didn't want to. John said it would be best for me to just rest for now. So you did. You caught up on the homework you missed and crashed in bed. Still smelling like sadness since the morning.

I'm sorry.

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