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A small crowd of girls formed at the front of the garage. The band stayed in the garage everyone else had to stay outside of it. For safety and stuff. You still hanged by the small wall of the garage. You were outside so no one gave you a problem. Plus you wanted to support your boys.

You see John wave at someone from the crowd the girls moved away to let someone get to garage. It was Paul and George both with their instruments in hand. They walked up to John and Ringo talking to one another. Paul noticed you and you smiled and waved.

Paul gave a wow. He looked in shock by you. He blushed when John literally snapped him back to reality. He snapped his fingers in front of his face. Paul laughed it off and gave you a smile.

You gave him a thumbs up and took put your camera again taking a photo of Paul and George setting up. All the girls were getting excited. They had to move away cause the host of the party some boy name Daniel said the drive way was for dancing. Since you were in the corner he let you be. You thanked yourself for picking that spot.

Paul walked up to the microphone and smiled at you. He looked at the small crowd.

"Hello everyone were the Quarrymen, and we are here to preform for all of ya tonight. First song we would like to play is I wanna hold your hand" He says

"One. Two. Three." He says and the band starts playing.

You smiled wide as John walks up to the microphone getting ready to sing. You take your photo just as soon as he started sing. You smiled thinking you took the most perfect photo.

" Oh yeah, I'll tell you somethin' I think you'll understand. When I say that somethin' I want to hold your hand...." John sings he didn't move around much Paul sang along as well a giant smile on his face. He always gave you glances. You kept your eyes on all of them. You smiled and gave them thumbs up. Everyone went wild and some couples started dancing.

You took two more photos of them singing. Paul was dancing a bit. He always shaked his hips or tapped his foot when he sang. He would shake his head to the beat. It was like he couldn't stay still it was rather cute.

"Oh please, say to me. You'll let me be your man. And please, say to me
You'll let me hold your hand. Now, let me hold your hand. I want to hold your hand" you smiled as they sang together.

You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned. Putting your camera in your bag.

"Oh! Hello" you say seeing a boy in front of you. He had big glasses like buddy holly and messy hair. You would be lying if you didn't say he was cute.

He gave you a shy smile he had a light pink shirt and a black bow tie on. Black slacks and black shoes.

"I saw you here alone and wanted to ask a lovely girl like you for a dance." He said nicely.

You smiled. You nodded and gave him your hand. You placed your bag in the garage corner the boys would make sure no one took it seeing they had it in their sight.

" It's such a feelin' that my love. I can't hide. I can't hide. I can't hide" they continue.

You danced with the boy you smiled and laughed with him. He told jokes while dancing and it was just funny being around him. He was nice and didn't try to pull a move on you. You appreciated it.

He spun you around and you were dizzy. You laughed as you held on to his arm trying not to fall. He laughed and you laughed Everytime you lost your balance for a bit.

The music stops and you look back at the boys. You saw Paul staring at you. His smile not on his face no more.
You gave him a thumbs up thinking he was probably nervous seeing he might have to sing the next song.

You clapped and cheered for the boys.
"You killed it Lennon!" You yelled, John giving you a wink. Noticing your praise.

The boy you were dancing with joined cheering with you. He was a nice boy.

"Thank you everyone. This next song is dedicated to a special girl." Paul said and all the girls went crazy. Paul chuckled and John laughed as well.

"I'm sorry ladies but the special girl unfortunately isn't here tonight. Anyway this song is all my loving" Paul says. Isn't here tonight? Who does he mean?

They start playing again. The boy that was dancing with you offers if you two just wanna talk. You grab your bag and give the boys a thumbs up. You walk with the boy at the end of the driveway. Away from the crowd but you were still able to see the boys play.
And hear them sing a bit. You smiled as you could see Paul dancing. He didn't have a smile on his face. You wondered what was wrong.

"You know John and Paul?" The boy asked you.

"Yeah I do. They are my friends I know all of them actually." You say.

"I see. John, Ringo and George use to go to my middle school." He says.

"Really? That's cool. Do you go to the local highschool?" You say.

"No I got to a private school. This is my night out." He says.

"I'm Jude. Can I see your glasses." You say.

He smiles and hands you his glasses cleaning them on his shirt before handing them to you.

"I'm Ryan. Sorry my glasses are kinda goofy." He says shyly.

You put them on. "No way! They look exactly like buddy Holly's. They look cool!" You say.

He chuckles " you look cute." He says.

"Take a picture of me will ya?" You say taking your camera out and handing it to him. You told him how to use it and he took your photo using his glasses.

You looked at the photo thinking you looked cool. But you knew it was a pretty stupid photo.

You hand back his glasses and he gives you your camera. He puts his glasses on and you take a picture of him.

He looks at you and shyly smiles "why you need a photo of me?" He says.

"You dress nice plus I think you're cool." You say taking the developed photo and putting it in your bag.

He chuckles and someone calls his name. He turns and before you can see who called him he says goodbye.

"It was nice meeting you Jude. I hope I can see you soon. Sadly I have to go" he says waving bye and getting lost in the crowd.

You walked back to your place looking at the boys playing. John noticed you and gave elbowed Paul using his head to point you out. Paul looked over to your direction. He smiled and you gave him a salute. He just smiled while still trying to sing. Looking like he was holding in a laugh.

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