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"John that jerk" you Mumble as you picked up the tea cups and any trash that was made by you or one of the boys.

You heard the record play the next song.
They left and didn't get to hear the rest of the record. Jerks. You moped.

You sang along with the song.

"Well, come on lets go lets go little darling..."

You danced a bit, you couldn't help it you loved that album.
You headed to the kitchen and bumped into paul.

"Im sorry paul, I didn't spill anything on you right?" You had the tray of tea in your hands so you headed to the sink to wash the cups and tea pot.

You look back at paul making sure you didn't spill anything on him.

"No I'm good, sorry for bumping into you jude." He says quietly. Looking down at his clothes making sure he didn't have any stains on his clothing.

You smiled at him, as much as you hated him, seeing him shy was pretty funny.

"You're dating Ringo?" He asks.

You froze a little when he asked that, it was a very forward question. But you calmed down and decided to joke around. Something you do now in order to avoid serious talks. It could be a problem every now and then.

"Jealous? Cause I'll leave ringo, I didn't know you had a thing for him" you joked.

"Very funny jude, so you two are a thing" he says leaning on the kitchen counter looking at you wash the dishes. You also grabbed a towel and dried them. Paul put them away fpr you seeing he knew where they belonged.

"No, were not he was playing some sick joke" you say. Paul kinda sighed as if in relief.

"I really liked that album you brought." Paul says

"Really you mean it?" You smile brightly looking at him.

"Yeah, I liked the second song. Its very beautiful." He says.

"Im glad you liked it, its silly but I find it very romantic. He wrote that song for his girlfriend. I just found it very sweet." You blush.

"You wanna borrow it, there's still some awesome songs we didn't get to. Side two has this amazing cover of this old Mexican song, its amazing." You say.

"I would love too" he says

"Jude?" Paul says.

"Yes?" You say.

"Sorry it's that you remind me of someone." Paul says.

Crap should I try and change the topic, or do I just play dumb.

"That girl john told me about" you say.

"John told you?" Paul says.

"Yeah says you don't shut up bout her, do I remind you of her?" You question.

"Yeah a bit. She use to have a American accent as well, but yours is more stronger" paul says.

I see staying in California over the summer was a good call.

"Well, I hope everything works out for you." You say

"Me too" paul says

"What do you mean? Did she die?" You say pretending to be worried.

"No no, its kinda a long story." He says.

"Go on" you say sitting in on of the chairs that was by the dining table.

"Well I had moved to this new school, it was getting toward the end of the year. And I met her, see was sweet. I asked her out we dated and I asked her to the school dance. She apparently had problems with another troubling girl at school. Sal. Sal had a locket that my girlfriend's dad had given her. Her dad had passed away and I could tell she wanted that locket back bad. The only way my girl was gonna get it back was if I went to the dance with sal. So I did.
I didn't tell her, I should of. She didn't talk to me she saw me dancing with another girl, and one day I went to her house hoping she would talk to me, she was gone. She had moved away." Paul said sadly

"That's very sad" you say. You heard paul's side of the story. You felt like a jerk. Well now I can't tell him who I am, it would ruin him.

"Yeah" he says

"Im sorry about that paul." You say.

"It happened over the summer its okay. I'm getting over it really." He says.

I'm positive that's a lie. You felt bad, should you tell him who you are. Or would that make things worse for him.

"I heard that you write music." You say.

"I do, keep all my lyrics here." Paul says he takes a small notebook out of his pocket. It was the one he gave you, the one you threw at him out the window. He kept it all this time.

He skipped threw the pages, your sketches of him and other things made you cringed. It was always hard looking back at old art.

"Is that you?" You ask. Just wanting to see his reaction or response.

"Yeah, it is" he says

"You draw?" You ask

"No, this was that girl's notebook, I use it to write down lyrics now." He says blushing a bit.

"Thats rather cute" you say

Paul blushes and looks away. You smile at him and he gives you a smile back. Looking back down at his page.

You touch the book and paul takes the book away.

"Sorry this book is just valuable to me" paul says

"Yeah your lyrics are in their sorry I get it" you say

"Well yeah, but I could care less about that" he says.

"Oh john is for sure waiting for us" you say getting out of your chair.

"Yeah we should go out with them" paul says

You two walk toward the garage, seeing the others starting practice.

"Oi, the love birds have finally come out to play." John snickers.

"Fuck off" you say back and giggle.

"Tell it to your boyfriend, hurry macca we cant start without ya." John says.

They had a few chairs set up so I took a seat, paul joined the group.

"So what are you gonna play?" You ask.

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