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"Hey Paul" you say.

Walking toward Paul into lunch. You two would hang at lunch now. You two would hang out any chance you got. You were surprised about that but you didn't mind.

It had been two days after the whole bathroom issue. Your scars had healed a bit. Your mom was scared when she saw claw marks all over your arms and legs.

You just lied and said a cat had gotten into a problem with you.

She bought it, she was busy with work to dig into it more.

You take out your notes. Some of them wrinkly because of that day. Paul left them out to dry in his backyard. He returned them the next day all dry. You thanked him so much for it. Sadly the only book that couldn't be fix was your sketch book.

You ended up throwing it away at Paul's house.

"Hey y/n, I got you this." He says handing you a small block that was wrapped in colorful paper.

"A gift why?" You look at him.

"Just open it!" He says smiling and a bit annoyed. His cheeks pink.

You open it.

"Paul, you didn't have to." You say smiling.

"You're last one was ruined. I thought you would enjoy a new one." He says.

You hug him, he hugs back.

"This means the world to me paul!" You say happy looking at the small clean sketch book.

"That reminds me I made cookies last night." You say. Taking some out of your backpack and giving them to Paul.

"Yes! Homemade cookies!" He smiles.

"Hey two more weeks and then the dance. You taking that girl you told me about" you ask.

You turn to look at paul who had a cookie in his mouth and looked at you. You rolled your eyes and took a cookie from the bag.

"I-I don't know. I haven't told her about my feelings. I think she doesn't see me that way" he says blushing.

"Im sorry Paul, but it's okay she don't deserve you, you goofball" you say hugging him and trying to make him feel better.

He just tenses. You let go.

He had red cheeks. You looked at him, confused.

"How-w about You? You asking anyone." He says

"No, I might go alone. If you need a date you can ask this one girl who's into you " You say.

"Really? Do I know her?" He says blushing harder.

"Yeah, I think she's a friend of yours." You say.

Paul blushed deeply.
"I-i didn't know" he says.

"Yeah Sal is really into you" you say taking a bite of your cookie.

"Sal?" Paul says his smile going away.

"Yeah." You say.

"Why do you want me to ask Sal so badly." He says.

"Oh it's nothing." You say.

"Hey Paul, since the dance is in two weeks, I need to go dress shopping. Can you come?" You say.

"Sure love, I would love too." He says.

After classes and more goofing 5
around you and Paul headed home.

"Why is your bag so heavy." Paul says.

Pretty Women: Paul McCartney x readerWhere stories live. Discover now